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Aug. 25, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The State & The Saints" with Marjorie Cole

God has established human government to protect citizens, administer justice and to promote the general welfare of the people. In general, we as believers in Jesus Christ are to comply with the laws and leaders of the land. But what …

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Aug. 18, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Bride" with Marjorie Cole

The New Testament gives us many parables and cultural pictures of Jesus Christ and His bride, the true church. As His followers, we have spiritually received the covenant cup of His marriage proposal. The ancient Galilean wedding and marriage customs...

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Aug. 11, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Beast & The Bride" with Marjorie Cole

The antichrist world system is moving rapidly to its deceitful, wicked and horrible culmination. Present-day lies, violence, anarchy and oppressive government tyranny are precursors to the coming worldwide rule of the counterfeit son of God, the Anti...

Episode page
Aug. 5, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Return Pt. 2" with Marjorie Cole

The signs are everywhere pointing to the return of Jesus Christ for His people! The question is, will we be ready for His coming? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

Episode page
Aug. 5, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Return" with Marjorie Cole

Just as sure as Jesus Christ came to earth in person the first time, He is coming back to earth again! The signs pointing to His actual, personal and visible return are everywhere. What are you and I doing in …

Episode page
July 21, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Trusting God" with Marjorie Cole

Today many nations are reaping the effects of lies, perversion, violence and outright rejection of God and His Word. We are called to trust and obey Him regardless of what’s going on around us, to stand strong in Him, not …

Episode page
July 14, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Stand Strong" with Marjorie Cole

Today lies, violence and anarchy are being promoted and accelerated by many at all levels of society. As followers of Jesus Christ we are not called to stand down but to stand strong with Him and for Him against the …

Episode page
June 30, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Deliver Us From Evil" with Marjorie Cole

As wickedness and demonically instilled insanity and violence are so prevalent these days, we are called to stand strong against evil and for righteousness. It’s not time for the true church to stand down but more than ever to stand …

Episode page
June 16, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Repent Or Perish" with Marjorie Cole

Repentance is often a very misunderstood concept. What is repentance? Why do we need to repent? Why is the true message of repentance so rare in our day? Clearly, now is the time for us to repent, individually and corporately. …

Episode page
June 9, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Standing Strong" with Marjorie Cole

How can we stand strong, as part of God’s faithful remnant, in the midst of what appears to be the complete breakdown of human society? We are not to give in to fear, confusion, discouragement and anger, but to follow …

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June 2, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Are You Blind?" with Marjorie Cole

For the most part, the human race is tragically blinded to the truth. The multiple lies of the enemy blind and bind us. What happens in the darkness is destructive and horrifying. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

Episode page
May 26, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Who's Side Are You On?" with Marjorie Cole

God doesn’t take sides. He is on His own side. There is no middle ground. We are either for Him or against Him. He graciously gives us opportunities to come follow Him, but the time will come when we can …

Episode page
May 20, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Breakthrough Master" with Marjorie Cole

There are many kinds of resistance and threatening situations that come against us as believers. But God has a passion for providing great breakthroughs in our behalf. And as God gives us personal breakthroughs, God can work through us to …

Episode page
May 5, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "God's Guidance" with Marjorie Cole

God has committed Himself to guide those who follow Him. Through Christ Jesus we have a wonderful purpose and destiny to be fulfilled step by step. All who truly desire and seek His guidance will certainly have it, even in …

Episode page
April 28, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "What Are You Waiting For?" with Marjorie Cole

What Are You Waiting For? In our lives we spend a lot of time waiting for things. As believers in Jesus Christ, waiting is an essential dimension. What does it mean to “wait on the Lord”? And what are we …

Episode page
April 21, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Got Justice?" with Marjorie Cole

Got Justice? Is all the injustice giving you anxiety and indigestion? Join us in taking a look at the effects of injustice in our lives and our bodies. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

Episode page
April 14, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Hope" with Marjorie Cole

"Hope" In the midst of these confusing, fearful and desperate times, where is your hope? What really matters when everything around us seems to be slipping away and going crazy? Our hope is in Jesus Christ! His resurrection and word …

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April 7, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "No Greater Love" with Marjorie Cole

No Greater Love - Why did Jesus have to die? Was there no other way for God to redeem the world than to sacrifice His own Son? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

Episode page
April 1, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Perfect Storm" with Marjorie Cole

The COVID-19 crisis is literally affecting everything in our world. Will things ever get back to normal? It’s time for us to repent, refuse to be fearful, and confidently move forward in God’s grace with what He has assigned to …

Episode page
March 24, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Light Of The World" with Marjorie Cole

The Word of God provides true guidance, wisdom, correction, hope and comfort we all need, especially in times of crisis. In the midst of the increasingly dark times the world is experiencing, the principles and people of God’s Kingdom shine …

Episode page
March 17, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Let Your Light Shine" with Marjorie Cole

Many forms of fear, confusion, hardship and anger are quickly spreading. But this critical season provides many opportunities for us to re-focus, repent and be the light of the world God has called us to be. "Because There Is A …

Episode page
March 3, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Deliver Us" with Marjorie Cole

"Deliver Us" - All of us need deliverance. We all have personal and generational strongholds which need to be torn down. As believers in Christ Jesus we are in a daily, lifelong process of deprogramming from the lies of Satan …

Episode page
Feb. 25, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Corona Commotion" with Marjorie Cole

"Corona Commotion" - Information and misinformation about the Corona Virus is sweeping the world. Death, deception, distraction, fear, commotion, confusion and anger are some of the results of this multidimensional, global threat. It’s time for God’...

Episode page
Feb. 11, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "What Is Love?" with Marjorie Cole

What is love? It is far more than a delicate euphoria of mind, will and emotions. God is the true source of love and only He can enable us to love Him and one another. The key to loving is …

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