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Feb. 16, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Prayer Wars" with Marjorie Cole

God works to enforce the victories Jesus Christ has won over our enemies through the powerful prayers of His people. As the spiritual battles on earth intensify, we must allow every hindrance to be removed from us to release the …

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Feb. 9, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Too Good To Miss" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus told us about some wonderful opportunities! As great as they were, some folks actually refused to take advantage of them, even though they were clearly presented to them. We too have many of these opportunities. Don’t miss out on …

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Feb. 2, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "God Who?" with Marjorie Cole

How come so many do not acknowledge God? And if we actually do, are we supposed to be afraid of Him? Our God is so awesome! And when we clearly realize that in our hearts, we begin to love Him …

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Jan. 26, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "What Is God Doing?!" with Marjorie Cole

The onslaught of horrible events and situations in recent months have left millions in great confusion and fear. Most of us have never seen so many things of such magnitude happening on a national, international and personal scale. What are …

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Jan. 19, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Wicked Times" with Marjorie Cole

In these days of vicious schemes of wicked people, those who follow the Lord must realize these evildoers—unless they truly repent-- are headed for their own destruction. As the Lord’s people, we must not give in to fear of the …

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Jan. 12, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "The Storm" with Marjorie Cole

Evil conspiracies against God and His people are nothing new. Psalm 83, and many other Psalms, give us examples of people crying out for God’s judgment of the wicked and thwarting of their wicked schemes. Even in the midst of …

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Jan. 5, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Wicked Schemes" with Marjorie Cole

The psalmists struggled under the oppression of evil people who appear to be getting by with their wicked schemes. But they also realized God sees it all and He will bring His judgment upon them at the appointed time. In …

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Dec. 29, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Rejoice In The Lord" with Marjorie Cole

Psalms 5 and 7 describe much of the spiritual warfare that we are experiencing today. In the midst of the attacks of his enemies, David recognizes God is the righteous Judge who will punish the wicked and defend the righteous. …

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Dec. 22, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "The Arrival" with Marjorie Cole

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was an quiet invasion of God in the midst of an atmosphere of political, economic and religious oppression. The shepherds were dramatically given the message of a Savior’s birth. But what could this baby …

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Dec. 15, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "God So Loved" with Marjorie Cole

There is only one hope for a world injected with the deadly poison of the Serpent. The choice is light or darkness, life or death. Which have you chosen? Which will you choose? "Because There Is A War For Your …

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Dec. 3, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Who's In Charge?" with Marjorie Cole

In these ever-intensifying days of wicked men perpetuating wicked schemes to control and destroy, we need to ever keep in mind who is really in control. It is not evil men controlled by the evil one. It is the Lord …

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Nov. 24, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Thanksgiving" with Marjorie Cole

In times where we can find so much to complain about, being truly thankful is more important than ever. Ingratitude is a form of rebellion against God who created us, loves us and wants us to live according to truth. …

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Nov. 17, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Standing Strong" with Marjorie Cole

Standing Strong In Perilous Times In our nation and world there is widespread rejection of the Lord God and His Word. The effects of Satan’s lying activities are subtle, severe and highly destructive. In a world where wickedness appears to …

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Nov. 10, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Deploying The Troops For Jesus" with Marjorie Cole

What does it really mean to be a true kingdom follower of Jesus Christ? We are called in the midst of a spiritual emergency to rescue those currently under the control of an evil lying world system. How are we …

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Nov. 3, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "God And Government" with Marjorie Cole

God has established human government to uphold what is right and punish what is wrong. But what about the many instances where government goes bad? How do we as citizens of the Kingdom of God live under governments who are …

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Oct. 27, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "To Judge Or Not?" with Marjorie Cole

There is much misunderstanding about what it means to judge others and to judge ourselves. What about the concepts of condemnation vs. discernment? How are we to expose sin and demonstrate righteousness in our present world of “gray”? "Because There …

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Oct. 20, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Repentance" with Marjorie Cole

When evil is called good and good is declared to be evil, repentance, especially among God’s people, is more vital than ever. But what exactly is repentance? And why is repentance an essential part of the message of the gospel? …

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Oct. 13, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "God’s Got This!" with Marjorie Cole

Gideon considered himself to be a nobody, but God saw him as “a mighty man of valor”. God drastically reduced his army and employed sound, light and shouts to defeat the enemies of Israel. God’s ways to our victories are …

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Oct. 6, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "God Is Calling You!" with Marjorie Cole

When Gideon was called by God to do a seemingly impossible task he was living in fear, just trying to survive. Though he had a very low opinion of himself, God saw him as a mighty man of valor. It’s …

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Sept. 29, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Where Are The Warriors?" with Marjorie Cole

In these oppressive times God has plans to bring deliverance to His people. But He needs prophetic, godly leaders to engage kingdom warriors to carry out His strategy for victory. But where are the leaders? Where are the warriors, and …

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Sept. 22, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Trust In The Midst Of Treachery " with Marjorie Cole

With rampant wickedness seemingly devouring our nation, many are fearful. To get proper perspective in these troubling times we must go to and stay in the Word of God. Psalm 37 gives us powerful guidelines for obtaining and keeping our …

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Sept. 15, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Spiritual Roots Of Physical Diseases " with Marjorie C…

Why is there so much sickness and disease? All sicknesses and diseases have spiritual roots. How can we identify and remove these roots so we can be healed and live in good health? "Because There Is A War For Your …

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Sept. 8, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Hard Questions On Healing" with Marjorie Cole

Is it always God’s will to heal us? Why are some people healed while others are not? Is there an invisible spiritual realm that affects the natural world, including our physical health?

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Sept. 1, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Truth Behind The Trial" with Marjorie Cole

What’s really going on behind the adversities and attacks we experience because we are followers of Jesus Christ? What do we need to know most of all in the midst of these many trials that come upon us and surround …

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