THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD (AND THE TRANSFER OF BLOODGUILT) The curious "side effects" of many of the things we are suffering from are the direct effects of Demonic Retribution. Satan’s law of an “eye for an eye” is the …
In these days of intensifying spiritual warfare, it is more important than ever that we are wide awake as to what is going on in the battles between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. How we need …
Many of us have been taught to believe that God is all powerful but if He is so good why doesn't He help me? We do not realize the way Satan has set God up to look bad to get …
There are patterns of iniquity that run in families. Just as each of us have a genetic inheritance, so we also have a spiritual inheritance of blessings and curses. Even as New Testament believers in Jesus Christ, generational curses can …
There is a lot of misunderstanding about judging and what it means to judge someone. There’s a difference between calling behavior for what it is and not loving the person behind the behavior. Warnings of consequences of evil behavior are …
God created us in His image and likeness. That is our true identity. Satan is constantly seeking to mold us into his image and likeness by redefining and reshaping us according to this present evil world system. In Christ Jesus …
Fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be SAFE. Pr. 29:25 If I cannot be myself, according to the truth of who God made me to be His son or His daughter, who can …
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the central event in the eternal redemptive plan of God for the whole world. And though the crowds were cruelly mocking Him to come down from the cross, Jesus stayed on the cross, because …
As with Peter the Apostle, Satan desires to sift us, to separate us, to screen us like grain, to expose our weaknesses, and ultimately destroy us. But the powerful purposes of Jesus for us will be fulfilled. The prayers Jesus …
During the days just before crucifixion of Jesus, there was an increasing intensity in His teachings and prophecies. He knew everything was under control even though there were plots to betray and kill Him. The teachings and actions of Jesus …
In our world there are many myths and mysteries concerning life, death and eternity. All of us have an appointment with death, unless the Lord returns for us before we die. So, what happens after we die? And what will …
God created mankind in His image and likeness. Ever since Satan has employed every means possible to redefine and destroy our true identity. The attacks against us are reaching new levels of horrible sophistication. Only by understanding who we reall...
With so much rejection of truth and division in families, churches and our nation, fear has given way to hatred. It is Satan who seeks to divide us to bring us into fear, hatred and eternal destruction. But God sets …
God works to enforce the victories Jesus Christ has won over our enemies through the powerful prayers of His people. As the spiritual battles on earth intensify, we must allow every hindrance to be removed from us to release the …
Jesus told us about some wonderful opportunities! As great as they were, some folks actually refused to take advantage of them, even though they were clearly presented to them. We too have many of these opportunities. Don’t miss out on …
How come so many do not acknowledge God? And if we actually do, are we supposed to be afraid of Him? Our God is so awesome! And when we clearly realize that in our hearts, we begin to love Him …
The onslaught of horrible events and situations in recent months have left millions in great confusion and fear. Most of us have never seen so many things of such magnitude happening on a national, international and personal scale. What are …
In these days of vicious schemes of wicked people, those who follow the Lord must realize these evildoers—unless they truly repent-- are headed for their own destruction. As the Lord’s people, we must not give in to fear of the …
Evil conspiracies against God and His people are nothing new. Psalm 83, and many other Psalms, give us examples of people crying out for God’s judgment of the wicked and thwarting of their wicked schemes. Even in the midst of …
The psalmists struggled under the oppression of evil people who appear to be getting by with their wicked schemes. But they also realized God sees it all and He will bring His judgment upon them at the appointed time. In …
Psalms 5 and 7 describe much of the spiritual warfare that we are experiencing today. In the midst of the attacks of his enemies, David recognizes God is the righteous Judge who will punish the wicked and defend the righteous. …
The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was an quiet invasion of God in the midst of an atmosphere of political, economic and religious oppression. The shepherds were dramatically given the message of a Savior’s birth. But what could this baby …
There is only one hope for a world injected with the deadly poison of the Serpent. The choice is light or darkness, life or death. Which have you chosen? Which will you choose? "Because There Is A War For Your …
In these ever-intensifying days of wicked men perpetuating wicked schemes to control and destroy, we need to ever keep in mind who is really in control. It is not evil men controlled by the evil one. It is the Lord …