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Aug. 10, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "The War On Truth" with Marjorie Cole

We are in the days when liars listen to liars (Pr. 17:4) and truth is fallen in the streets, (Is. 59:14). Truth has been trampled and targeted by the enemy who twists the lie to look like the truth and …

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Aug. 3, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Life Or Death" with Marjorie Cole

The human race is in a desperate crisis! People are either condemned or saved, lost or found. Those who truly believe in Jesus are the rescue squad to bring others out of eternal death into eternal life. "Because There Is …

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July 27, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "The Secret Place" with Marjorie Cole

In the midst of the barrage of evils coming against us day by day, we have a consistent place of refuge, safety, freedom and strength in God. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

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July 20, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Roots Of Addiction" with Marjorie Cole

Addictions come about due to our attempts to manage our lives, relieve our pain or fill a void. We identify with our addiction, and what we use to attempt to gain control of our lives ends up controlling us. Treatment …

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July 13, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Dealing With Addictions" with Marjorie Cole

What are addictions and how do they affect us? Why do many treatment programs fail? What are the true roots of addiction? And how do understanding our true identity and God’s love for us serve as addiction preventions? "Because There …

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July 6, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Real Freedom" with Marjorie Cole

Personal freedom is not found in political ideologies, living by our opinions, or doing what we think will satisfy us. All of us have thoughts, cravings, beliefs, and behaviors that bring us into bondage. Jesus Christ is the only way …

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June 29, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Roots Of Anxiety" with Marjorie Cole

So many of us are so anxious about so many things. Fears of all kinds can take hold of us can control us in a variety of ways. Discover how realizing God’s love for us and adjusting ourselves according to …

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June 22, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "To Offend or Be Offended" with Marjorie Cole

There is an acceleration of demonic spirits of offence operating in our world these days. What are some of the disastrous effects of our being offended? And how can we not absorb the hurtful things that come against us because …

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June 15, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "I’m Offended" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus said in the last days “…many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.” (Mt. 24:10) In a world where everyone is super set on edge these days, it seems that everything is set up …

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June 8, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "When Life's Not Fair" with Marjorie Cole

When life is not fair, which is all the time because the god of this world does not want anything to be fair - ever! He uses hurt and pain and injustice to train us to believe lies about ourselves, …

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May 25, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Until He Returns" with Marjorie Cole

When is Jesus Christ coming back? Is He really? The fact of His return is more important than the time of His return. What are some of the hazards we face before He comes again, and what are we to …

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May 18, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Bloodguilt" with Marjorie Cole

THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD (AND THE TRANSFER OF BLOODGUILT) The curious "side effects" of many of the things we are suffering from are the direct effects of Demonic Retribution. Satan’s law of an “eye for an eye” is the …

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May 11, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Courage in the Fight" with Marjorie Cole

In these days of intensifying spiritual warfare, it is more important than ever that we are wide awake as to what is going on in the battles between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. How we need …

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May 4, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Satan's Setup" with Marjorie Cole

Many of us have been taught to believe that God is all powerful but if He is so good why doesn't He help me? We do not realize the way Satan has set God up to look bad to get …

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April 27, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "It Runs In The Family" with Marjorie Cole

There are patterns of iniquity that run in families. Just as each of us have a genetic inheritance, so we also have a spiritual inheritance of blessings and curses. Even as New Testament believers in Jesus Christ, generational curses can …

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April 20, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Don't Judge Me!" with Marjorie Cole

There is a lot of misunderstanding about judging and what it means to judge someone. There’s a difference between calling behavior for what it is and not loving the person behind the behavior. Warnings of consequences of evil behavior are …

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April 13, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "It’s All About Us" with Marjorie Cole

God created us in His image and likeness. That is our true identity. Satan is constantly seeking to mold us into his image and likeness by redefining and reshaping us according to this present evil world system. In Christ Jesus …

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April 6, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Identity Hijacking" with Marjorie Cole

Fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be SAFE. Pr. 29:25 If I cannot be myself, according to the truth of who God made me to be His son or His daughter, who can …

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March 30, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Why He Came" with Marjorie Cole

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the central event in the eternal redemptive plan of God for the whole world. And though the crowds were cruelly mocking Him to come down from the cross, Jesus stayed on the cross, because …

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March 23, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Sifting" with Marjorie Cole

As with Peter the Apostle, Satan desires to sift us, to separate us, to screen us like grain, to expose our weaknesses, and ultimately destroy us. But the powerful purposes of Jesus for us will be fulfilled. The prayers Jesus …

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March 16, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Ready To Die" with Marjorie Cole

During the days just before crucifixion of Jesus, there was an increasing intensity in His teachings and prophecies. He knew everything was under control even though there were plots to betray and kill Him. The teachings and actions of Jesus …

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March 9, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Final Destination" with Marjorie Cole

In our world there are many myths and mysteries concerning life, death and eternity. All of us have an appointment with death, unless the Lord returns for us before we die. So, what happens after we die? And what will …

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March 2, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "The Battle For You" with Marjorie Cole

God created mankind in His image and likeness. Ever since Satan has employed every means possible to redefine and destroy our true identity. The attacks against us are reaching new levels of horrible sophistication. Only by understanding who we reall...

Episode page
Feb. 23, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Unmasking Hatred" with Marjorie Cole

With so much rejection of truth and division in families, churches and our nation, fear has given way to hatred. It is Satan who seeks to divide us to bring us into fear, hatred and eternal destruction. But God sets …

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