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March 28, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Faith That Works” with Marjorie Cole

Faith is only as good as what you have faith in. The one true living God and His Word is the only solid basis of faith. True faith in God is expressed and proven by obedient actions. Believing Vs Knowing …

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March 22, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Impossible Mountains” with Marjorie Cole

The mountains that may appear impossible to move are moved by faith in the promises of God. His promises are based on His character, so He is fully trustworthy. What God promises, He faithfully performs for those who live in …

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March 15, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Power Source” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus has given His followers authority and power over our enemy. Yet many of us are unknowingly practicing witchcraft. Taking control, doing it our way instead of the Lord’s, is tapping into Satan’s power, which, if continued, will bring curses …

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March 1, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Comfort My People” with Marjorie Cole

We live in the midst of chaos and confusion, deliberate and willful disinformation, so none of us know what’s really going on. In these perilous times, we must go back to the Rock, the sure foundation, the One who is …

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Feb. 22, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Thought Wars” with Marjorie Cole

Our mind is a battlefield. What we think determines the course and destiny of our lives. Where do our thoughts come from? How can we get rid of evil thoughts and fill our minds with good ones? Check out God …

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Feb. 15, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Get Up” with Marjorie Cole

Are you suffering in the middle of adversity? God is here to strengthen us. This world is full of trouble — but God is working to strengthen and establish us. We are more than conquers through Jesus who loves us. …

Episode page
Feb. 1, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Change Your Mind” with Marjorie Cole

To truly enter into salvation, which means to be born again, we must first acknowledge our sin and then change our mind about what we have been believing (repent). Giving up our loyalty to the lie means we acknowledge, (confess) …

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Jan. 25, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”Insanity of Idolatry” with Marjorie Cole

Who or what has first place in our lives determines the course of our lives. Idolatry is not just bowing down to some statue. An idol can be anyone or anything that guides or controls us other that the Lord …

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Jan. 4, 2022

RESCUE RADIO: ”God’s New Things” with Marjorie Cole

God is about to do, and is now doing, His new things in, for and through his people. No longer can we live in an “It is what it is” mentality. It is time to let Him pull us out …

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Dec. 28, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Insult to the Cross” with Marjorie Cole

There many opinions, traditions, teachings and practices that are insulting to the cross of Jesus Christ. The results are distraction, division and destruction in the body of Christ. What are some of these pitfalls? And how can we spot and …

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Dec. 21, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”A Child is Born” with Marjorie Cole

The coming of the Savior, prophesied thousands of years before He came, was fulfilled in the most wonderful way far beyond human imagination. The eternal Son of God also became fully human, though sinless, as the Son of Man. Though …

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Dec. 14, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”The Bloodline” with Marjorie Cole

The Bloodline of Jesus Christ as set forth by two witnesses, Matthew and Luke, confirms and completes the promise God made when he cursed the Serpent in the Garden. Jesus Christ's genealogy sets forth the incredible proof that He is …

Episode page
Dec. 7, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Who Was Mary?” with Marjorie Cole

Mary the mother of Jesus is one of the most venerated and misunderstood characters of the New Testament. Who was she really? And how are we to properly view and appreciate her today? Check out A Case For Justice at …

Episode page
Nov. 30, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Strange Messenger” with Marjorie Cole

Who would ever have imagined that God would fulfill His prophetic word to His people is such and odd and unconventional way - to send a wild man who lived in the wilderness to announce the coming of His Son, …

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Nov. 23, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Brokenhearted” with Marjorie Cole

Each of us experience tragedies, losses and hurts that can break our hearts, putting us in bondage to depression, fear, bitterness and despair. Knowing who we are in Christ can enable us to be victors instead of victims in a …

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Nov. 16, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”A Great Revival?” with Marjorie Cole

In these days of great oppression of evil at every level of society, is God wanting to bring a true widespread spiritual awakening? Are God’s people crying out to God in desperation and faith for it? "Because There Is A …

Episode page
Nov. 9, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”The Real War” with Marjorie Cole

We live in a deceptive environment of spiritual war—both externally in the world and internally in our lives. This war is multifaceted, increasing in it’s intensity and can seem overwhelming at times. However, God has given us His Word and …

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Oct. 12, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”No Accident” with Marjorie Cole

Our life is not an accident. It is a divine act. God has a plan. We are on a journey with Him to complete our course, the race that is set before us. We are God's workmanship. His Holy Spirit …

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Oct. 5, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Clueless” with Marjorie Cole

Many are overcome by evil schemes, clueless to the destruction that surrounds and infests them. Blinded, drugged, weak, sick, intimidated, without resources, helpless—how can we escape these suffocating traps of wickedness? Check out God On Trial in ...

Episode page
Sept. 28, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Deaf & Dumb” with Marjorie Cole

The Mute spirit silences us in our expressions of our selves, our gifts and our ability to articulate our thoughts. The Deaf and Dumb spirit works with the Mute spirit. Together, they are very effective in locking us up inside …

Episode page
Sept. 21, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Love Of The Truth” with Marjorie Cole

The lie is the only option left for those who refuse the love of the truth. "For the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders...among this who perish, …

Episode page
Sept. 7, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Fiery Trials” with Marjorie Cole

Are you in the midst of a fiery trial? Is God mad at us or waiting to punish us for sin? If we do not understand the spiritual war and the rule of yielding our consent, nothing makes sense. We …

Episode page
Aug. 31, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Spirit Of Divination” with Marjorie Cole

Spirits of sorcery and divination are pervasive in our world today, even in “the church”. Jesus warned us about their powers to deceive. How do we clearly recognize these spirits and what do we do when we discern their activities? …

Episode page
Aug. 17, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: "Run for Your LIfe" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus Warned us “But take heed to yourselves, …lest that Day come upon you unexpectantly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth” Luke 21:34-35. People will freak out. …

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