We are often being affected by other people's demons when we are tempted to go with them to do evil. We don't realize they are being tempted by demons that are now extending their influence through them to us. This …
A subject most of us live with but no one ever talks about. Life is full of difficulties, most of which come through dysfunctional relationships with others. We are enmeshed, obligated, dependent, controlled, entangles with roped of love and need. …
Having faith implies we believe in something. Having faith in the promises of the One True God, means we believe in God. Faith in God’s Promises is foundational to a believer’s life. Abraham believed the promises God made to him …
Joy to the World the Lord has come! The joy of the Lord is our strength. The world is weak and weary and has lost its way. This is a time to remember the goodness of God who sent His …
The Seed of the Woman will crush the head of the Serpent, a virgin will conceive a Son, God will come to earth, the divine King found lying in a manger of hay, all came together in the fulfillment of …
Faith is living beyond the natural realm of sight. Jesus said not to make judgments based upon appearance. We are told, “The just shall live by faith”, not feelings. So what do we do with our feelings, reality and appearances …
Peter describes the devil as an adversary that goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He tells us to reisit him steadfast in the faith. How do we deal with the lions roaring through your life? …
Daniel lived to serve his God during the reign of four pagan kings. He stayed strong and true to his God in the midst of incredible wickedness, threats of death, false accusations, attempts to change his identity and political changes. …
In the medical model of healing, sin has been overlooked as a root cause of disease in both physical and mental illness. The Enemy uses our agreements with guilt, fear, unforgiveness, and even the sins of others to bring his …
The Children of Israel were bitten by fiery serpents in the wilderness after they had been complaining. God’s solution to the poisonous venom that was killing them was not a medical intervention. He simply told them to look on the …
Because of the rampant deception of the last days the Bible admonishes us to test all things, and not believe every thing that looks like and is promoted to be the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. He warns us that …
Recognizing the activities of Jezebel is the first step of defense in dealing with her spiritual destructions in your marriage, your family, your business and in the church. We have become desensitized to her activities because we have ourselves been...
Satan's strategy is subtle and sinister. Paganism and witchcraft have dressed up to look modern and socially acceptable. Jezebel has had a "make over" and has been reintroduced into the church and society as a beautiful thing. To deny the …
Deception has always been a major strategy in the war between Heaven and Hell. The Enemy has mingled error and mixed his counterfeits into the Gospel of Grace and Good News since the beginning. Savage wolves coming from without and …
With an abundance of food, diets and fitness centers in our country, why is there so much sickness and disease? Hospitals, clinics and medications of all sorts abound in order to respond to the breakdowns in our physical and mental …
What are the obstacles to healing that keep us sick and discouraged? The first obstacle is our concept of God and in our confidence in the goodness and heart of God that we be healed. We have been trained to …
Though Halloween is a popular topic, demons are not. Even in the church the effects and activities of demons among us are down played as hyper-spiritual and superstitious. Most of their activities have been hidden in other explanations and diagnoses....
There is nothing more dangerous than being caught in a war we do not know has been declared! The second most dangerous thing is denying the war that is being waged ever so silently and insidiously all around us. From …
When we look at the hardships and trials of life through the filters of the flesh, we come under condemnation. We become confused about the goodness of God and about our relationship with Him. Our life events and circumstances including …
The Enemy uses our legitimate needs and our wants and cravings to set us up to trick us. Like the hungry little fish, our appetites for anything including food, can be used as the devil's bait to catch us on …
We are in the final days where the devil is "wearing out the saints" with all of his vicious attacks against the righteous. We are being "sifted as wheat" and tested with all kinds of hellish entanglements for the express …
Keeping the Law deletes the power of the Gospel of Good News by bringing us back to the helpless position of trying to be good enough to get to Heaven. It obscures the truth and forgiveness of sin contained in …
The Ten Commandments God gave Moses had been expanded and reinterpreted by the professional experts of the Law to bring bondage and oppression to the common people. Jesus confronted these religious elites in their misuse of the Law. The Gospel …
Is God in trouble? Does He have a right to rule the world? We invite you to journey with us from the Garden of Eden to the Bowels of Hell as we follow the story of the Father and the …