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Jan. 21, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Living By Our Feelings" with Marjorie Cole

We all have feelings. But to live by them is dangerous and destructive. Our emotions, thoughts, life experiences and circumstances program us and deceive us. Our freedom comes through living by faith in God as His Kingdom people! "Because There …

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Jan. 14, 2020

RESCUE RADIO: "Nothing More Than Feelings" with Marjorie Cole

"Nothing More Than Feelings" - The just shall live by faith, the fearful are hooked into living by their feelings. What is the source of your feelings? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political …

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Dec. 17, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Prophecies Fulfilled" with Marjorie Cole

Old Testament prophets declared the coming of Messiah. He was to come as the physical descendant of King David. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and revealed to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah. She agreed …

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Dec. 10, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Anxiety Pt. 3" with Marjorie Cole

Exposing the hidden Link between Fear and physical diseases. Is there a connection between our bodies, including our health, and the spiritual world? The answer is a big “YES”. Join us in examining the spiritual root causes of physical diseases. …

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Dec. 3, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Mary & Joseph" with Marjorie Cole

The simple, almost fairy tale depictions of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus certainly do not capture the depth and power of the incidents, dynamics and power of the time when the Son of God was introduced into the world as …

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Nov. 26, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Got Pain?" with Marjorie Cole

Check out today’s program and learn the spiritual roots of pain and angina, and how to deal with those roots. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of …

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Nov. 19, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Undo Anxiety" with Marjorie Cole

Undo Anxiety - How the physical effects of anxiety affect your body, soul and spirit. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and useful …

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Nov. 12, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The Power Of Peace" with Marjorie Cole

The Power Of Peace - God’s peace is the power base from which we wage war against the spirits of fear and anxiety. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just …

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Nov. 5, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Anxiety Is Everywhere" with Marjorie Cole

Anxiety is everywhere. It is a way of life for most of us. Where does it come from? What can I do about it? Join us for the first in a series on looking into the effects of this pervasive …

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Oct. 29, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Jesus Is Back" with Marjorie Cole

This is a wrap on the Gospel of Mark. Jesus rose from the dead and was greeted by a former demon-possessed prostitute. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably …

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Oct. 22, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Halloween Is A Trick" with Marjorie Cole

Halloween is a trick. The roots of Halloween go deeper than you might think. They go back to the very beginning of time when the Fallen Angels slept with human women. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing …

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Oct. 15, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "What Happened?" with Marjorie Cole

What happened on the cross? What took place on earth and far more importantly, in the spiritual realm? Jesus' death for mankind had amazing universal and personal effects. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too …

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Sept. 17, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Save Yourself" with Marjorie Cole

After enduring many false accusations, the horrible abuse by the Jewish religious leaders of the day, the bloodthirsty cries of “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” and mocking blasphemies of the Roman soldiers, those who passed by the cross cried out, “…save...

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Sept. 10, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Conflict Resolution"with Marjorie Cole

How to survive an Inquisition, Jesus Style. How do we face personal assaults against our character? Do what Jesus showed us how to do. Join us for a lesson in conflict resolution on Rescue Radio. "Because There Is A War …

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Sept. 3, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Presumed Guilty" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus is presumed guilty with no intentions of proving Him innocent. Nothing has changed in the religious/political system from then to now. The same swamp we are dealing with was already in full operation back in Jesus’ day. "Because There …

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Aug. 20, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "What About Peter?" with Marjorie Cole

What got into Peter? How could he deny Jesus after all those miracles and inspiring messages? Jesus told him it would happen. Join us in taking a deeper look at Peter and his denial that brought him to the end …

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Aug. 6, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Who's In Control" with Marjorie Cole

How do we respond when we are being spiritually attacked from all sides and it appears Satan has the upper hand over us? In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was betrayed and arrested by a demonic mob sent by religious …

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July 30, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The Heat Is On" with Marjorie Cole

The pressures upon us are often very intense. Relationships, diseases, financial burdens, world conditions, demonic spiritual attacks can all take their toll on us. So what can we do to get through it all without being overwhelmed and destroyed? How …

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July 16, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The New Covenant" with Marjorie Cole

When Jesus and His disciples observed the Passover just prior to His crucifixion, He introduced what we now call The Lord’s Supper or Communion. The Lord’s Supper symbolizes Jesus death on the cross is and forever will be, the body …

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July 2, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Friend or Foe" with Marjorie Cole

"Friend or Foe" - There were many contrasting cast members in the prophetic drama preceding the crucifixion of Jesus. Religious leaders were plotting His murder. One lady poured out a sweet fragrance of love and devotion upon Him. And one …

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June 25, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Living In The Light" with Marjorie Cole

Are we living in the light of Jesus’ return or struggling in the darkness of His delay? All of the deception and testing of the last days is upon us. It is time to allow ourselves to be anchored in …

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June 18, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Persecuted and Hated" with Marjorie Cole

Are we ready to be persecuted and hated? Are you up for a "good crisis"? We are lining in the days of Noah, Elijah, the Apostle John and the Gospel of Mark. Join us for a closer look at Mark …

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June 4, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The Glorious Return" with Marjorie Cole

The earth remains an ever-intensifying war zone. We are rapidly nearing a grand climax in this present age of satanic defilement. The world is being strategically prepared to embrace the abominations of the antichrist. At the same time, God has …

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May 28, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "It All Came Down" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus warned His hearers about the hypocritical practices of many religious leaders. Jesus then prophesied the doom of the temple in Jerusalem and the empty religious system would remain. Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or …

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