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May 14, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Phony Church Leaders" with Marjorie Cole

Phony Church Leaders - Jesus issued stern warnings about greedy, exploitive, hypocritical religious leaders. There were many of them in His day. There are many, many more of them today. You may be following and supporting some of them right …

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May 7, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "What God Wants Most" with Marjorie Cole

What God Wants Most - IsGod all about having us keep a long list of religious rules? Is following Him too complicated, demanding and frustrating? Or is following Him much simpler? Discover the three things God wants most from us …

Episode page
April 23, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Recycled or Resurrected?" with Marjorie Cole

When you’re dead you’re dead, right? After death will we all be cosmically recycled? Or, is there another inescapable event ahead for us called resurrection? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super …

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April 16, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Does The Cross Matter?" with Marjorie Cole

Does The Cross Matter? Why is it these days, we make so little of the greatest event, the most critical moment in human history that changed EVERYTHING? Because the Devil is still trying to dismiss and trivialize the death of …

Episode page
March 12, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The King Is Coming" with Marjorie Cole

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem as their Messiah. He is soon to arrive again in Jerusalem, as the King of kings. Are you ready to receive Him? Join us for some incredible prophetic insights into this first triumphal entry and His …

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March 5, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Grab Hold Of Your Opportunity" with Marjorie Cole

Grab Hold Of Your Opportunity - Jesus was passing by and blind Bartimaeus called out. Jesus stood still and healed him. Never give up, no matter how difficult things may seem. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing …

Episode page
Feb. 26, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "What's In It For Me?" with Marjorie Cole

So, what's in it for me? What are the rewards for following Jesus? What does Jesus have to say about serving and greatness, and eternal thornes and kingsoms? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too …

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Feb. 12, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Are You Good Enough?" with Marjorie Cole

Are you trying to be good enough to get to heaven? Keeping the law perfectly is not the requirement for getting into heaven. Listen to what Jesus told the rich, young, ruler. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" …

Episode page
Feb. 5, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "The War On Children" with Marjorie Cole

What is happening to our children, that has gotten us to a place of such loss and assault? What are the spiritual roots of this war against our children? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or …

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Jan. 22, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: “Make Up Your Mind”

Make Up Your Mind -Are you able to sort out who is on the Lord’s side in these days of deception? And are you ready to commit yourself fully to Him as we draw closer to the day of Judgment?

Episode page
Jan. 8, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Marjorie Cole

Who Do You Think You Are? - How do you define yourself? By what other people say about you or how well you think you are doing? Or by what the Lord says in His Word? "Because There Is A …

Episode page
Jan. 4, 2019

RESCUE RADIO: "Dealing with Difficult Children" with Marjorie Cole

Dealing with Difficult Children – and the demonic attacks they suffer. Autism and a host of common day related childhood behaviors can be traced back to the very situations Jesus dealt with in His day. Demonic strongholds and being under …

Episode page
Dec. 25, 2018

Rescue Radio: “The Birth Of Jesus” with Marjorie Cole

“The Birth Of Jesus” - What was the birth of Jesus really about? Join us for Rescue Radio and learn how the birth of Jesus did not happen by accident or without divine purpose. "Because There Is A War For …

Episode page
Dec. 4, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "While You Were Sleeping" with Marjorie Cole

"While You Were Sleeping" - What big things are we missing? Peter and James and John were there when Jesus was Transfigured, but missed most of it becasue they fell asleep. Some of the most important things Jesus wants us …

Episode page
Nov. 27, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "The Big Reveal" with Marjorie Cole

"The Big Reveal" - Who is Jesus and are you willing to really follow Him, even to death? It is time to take a stand, your soul and eternal destiny will depend on it. "Because There Is A War For …

Episode page
Nov. 20, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "The Power Of Thanksgiving" with Marjorie Cole

"The Power Of Thanksgiving" – The power of ‘happy waiting’ in the midst of unanswered prayer, and a protection against the ‘attitude enemies’ who want to steal our souls. A thankful heart is a healthy heart. Thanksgiving is a perfect …

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Sinking Sand or Solid Gound?" with Marjorie Cole

Are Jesus' warnings to beware of the leven of the Herodians and the Pharisees, the teachings of the politicians and the church leaders, pertinent to us today? How are we to sort out our position and stand on solid ground …

Episode page
Sept. 25, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Are You Desperate?" with Marjorie Cole

Are You Desperate? Are you trapped in the wilderness? Join us to find out why desperation is key to your miracle. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some …

Episode page
Sept. 18, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Be Not Deceived" with Marjorie Cole

Be Not Deceived - Are you overwhelmed by the chaos of the world around you, checked out and resigned to the seemingly inevitable, or are you ready to recognize and admit to the truth of what is really going on? …

Episode page
Sept. 11, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "The Truth - Up For Grabs?" with Marjorie Cole

The Truth - Up For Grabs? Is truth debatable or open for discussion in our contemporary social and religious circles? Learn how the Enemy of our souls has hidden himself in plain view to conceal his intentional agenda of promoting …

Episode page
Sept. 4, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "The Desperate Mother" with Marjorie Cole

Can children be demon possessed, and if they can, what can be done about it? Find out what one desperate parent or grandparent can do to move the hand of God to heal and deliver our children. "Because There Is …

Episode page
Aug. 28, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Truth VS. Tradition" with Marjorie Cole

Truth VS. Tradition - Jesus had a few things to say about the traditions of men and the affections of the heart. Legalism leads to obsessions and anxiety. Don’t use God as an excuse to neglect His commandments to love …

Episode page
Aug. 21, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Confronting Hypocrisy" with Marjorie Cole

"Confronting Hypocrisy" - Putting the religious traditions of man over the commandments of God. Join us in looking deeper into the motives and lip service that controlled the hearts of the Religionists. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" …

Episode page
July 16, 2018

RESCUE RADIO: "Storms At Sea" with Marjorie Cole

Storms At Sea - Are you caught up in the storms of life, trapped in impossible situations with no hope in sight? Are our hearts still hardened to the power of God to deliver us through His own compassion? He …

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