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Sept. 26, 2023

”Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of Demons” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie C…

Who has bewitched you, Paul asks. Jesus tells us deception will be one of the overarching themes of the last days. Perilous times will come, where men are lovers of lies as they give heed to seducing spirits. Satan is …

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Sept. 19, 2023

”Known By God” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

Knowing who I am comes from knowing that I am known by God. Jesus called people by name, even before He officially had met them. Jesus would stop, stand still, listen to their cries, go to their dying children, have …

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Sept. 12, 2023

”Rule of Spiritual Warfare” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

Everything has rules, including Spiritual Warfare. We set out the first principles of this war last week. There are two Kingdoms, NOT three. There is one Rule. That rule is Romans 6:16, whom you yield yourself servant to obey, that’s …

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Sept. 5, 2023

”Spiritual Warfare Math” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

We are in a war and the war operates on rules. There are mathematical principles that govern this war. There is one war, which implies there are two kingdoms, God’s and Satan’s, not three. There is one equation that manages …

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Aug. 29, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”In This Together” with Marjorie Cole

We are laborers together with God. He planned salvation to be a joint effort. He would supply the Plan and make sure all things would end up being judged according to truth. Jesus was the Savior Who initiated the Plan …

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Aug. 22, 2023

”Perplexing Afflictions” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

We are in the days of perplexity. Things are weird and seem to come out of "no where." But the Word says, the curse without a cause does not come. Pr. 26:2 There are reasons, rules and deliverance from the …

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Aug. 8, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Sower and the Soil” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus shared the parable of the Sower and the Soil. Parables are used to “reveal” and “conceal”. Only those with eyes to see and ears to hear would benefit from its message. He warned that the birds (AKA the devil, …

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Aug. 1, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”The Harvest Of Souls” with Marjorie Cole

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion …

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July 25, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Beware False Teachers” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus warned us in the last days to not be deceived. Many would come in His name and deceive many. The curse of false teachers and wolves among His sheep is nothing new. Satan's target has always been the church …

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July 18, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Divine Disruptions” with Marjorie Cole

Modern day struggles with wickedness and injustice in the war between God and Satan for the souls of men is not any different. We see the hand of God in these spiritual disruptions that have saved the human race on …

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July 11, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Walking It Out” with Marjorie Cole

So now we are “Following Jesus.” We believe what He said, now we can do what He did! What does that look like? What is the fruit of doing what He did? Miracles, praying, healings, bringing hope and the good …

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July 4, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Follow Me” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus said "follow Me". What does that actually mean in practical spiritual terms? Lots of opinions, books, and schools of theology have tried to extract the essences and deeper meaning out of those two little words. It is really very …

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June 27, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Be Anxious For Nothing“ with Marjorie Cole

Fear and anxiety are on every side and yet Jesus tells us to be anxious for nothing. How do we obey His command to be “anxious for nothing” when fear is on every hand? God is our ever present help …

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June 20, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Open Doors” with Marjorie Cole

Demons gain control over us through incremental agreements. They do not just show up and jump into us. The permissions they need must come through invitation of the host (us). Many of these permissions have already been given by our …

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June 13, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”What Are Demons?” with Marjorie Cole

The lost book of Enoch gives us the backstory on the primal origin of the demons and lays a deeper foundation for the things we are told in the Scripture. Knowing our enemy is the first step to taking authority …

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June 6, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Marching Orders Pt. 2” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus laid out the overview for His disciples as to what they could expect in following Him. The course would be filled with obstacles. Just as the gospel was going to be resisted, they, as the carriers of the Gospel …

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May 30, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Marching Orders” with Marjorie Cole

Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them power to deal with disease and demons. The briefing also included an overview of the persecution, the strategy for bringing the message of the gospel, the types of resistance, the divisiveness of …

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May 23, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”For God So Loved” with Marjorie Cole

What was He thinking? Didn't He know all the bad things that were going to happen in carrying out His plan to save the world? Yes, He already knew the world would degenerate into darkness and depravity. He knew He …

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May 16, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Mixed Up Gospel” with Marjorie Cole

Satan has mixed the Gospel of Jesus Christ with many other gospels. These counterfeit gospels mix law with grace to deceive us. His intention is to bring us back under the bondage of trying to be good enough to get …

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May 9, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Don’t Be Fooled Again” with Marjorie Cole

Oh foolish Galatians, Paul declared, “Who has bewitched you?” Foolishness is like a cancer that eats its way into the very fabric of our lives, relationships and the moral order of everything. Foolishness as bound in the child is not …

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May 2, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”What A Fool!” with Marjorie Cole

The Hebrew word for a fool is the word “bellows.” Our English equivalent would be “windbag!” The fool has said in his heart, “there is no God.” We have degenerated into a generation of blind rebellion against God that we …

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April 25, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”Where Is The Hope?” If The Foundations Be Destroyed w…

It is time to be diligent to do the work to which we were called. To repent and set the captives free. This can be our greatest hours, hours of victory and deliverance and seeing the hand of the Lord …

Episode page
April 18, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”The Obstacles To Rebuilding - If The Foundations Be De…

Not only has the Enemy turned this world into a heap of rubble, he has also blocked any rescue efforts on the part of the righteous. He has snatched the power of the Word of God, promoted a survival and …

Episode page
April 11, 2023

RESCUE RADIO: ”What Foundations?” If The  Foundations Be Destroyed wi…

If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? The foundations of almost everything are being or have been destroyed by the Evil One. In his attempt to take over the world, nothing has been left un touched. Our …

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