Easily distracted and deceived. This is what God has chosen to work with in the rescuing of His Children. Because children have only limited experience, they have no knowledge of the danger or the consequences of their action...
Is there a spirit of resistance operating in us that is making it difficult for us to stop what we cannot quit? Are we so familiar with that spirit of fear and confusion that we do not step up to …
What time is it? I'm late! Time's up. We are eternal creatures who live in a corridor of time. The scripture admonishes us to redeem the time for the days are evil. Our life is given to us as a …
Faith is founded on the Word of God. Faith is a link that releases the will of God from heaven to earth. What God wants done on earth in people's lives comes to pass through those who obey and speak …
Adam's cures made it hard for him to admit he was wrong. Thisis came down upon Eve as being blamed. Eve's curse is to want to be desired by her husband and that he would have the rule over her. …
What makes faith such a big deal with God? Faith is not defined by its outcomes. Faith is speaking into the future through the men and women who live by faith to declare the hope of a future. They believe …
Living by faith is continuing to obey God and trust Him, even though we often don't see the results. Hebrews 11 gives us a brief list of men and women who exemplified what it it means to follow God and …
The Curse on Adam was more than just fighting weeds and sweating. The real curse the Enemy picked up on to use against the man came when Adam refused to admit he had eaten of the forbidden fruit. He blamed …
What do we do when life is hard and God does not seem to be helping. We are being tested to become fearful and disappointed. Why are things so hard? What happened to having our “best life now”? The Bible …
Marriage was meant to be a covenant between a man and a woman. In Genesis, God made a help mate for Adam to keep him from getting lonely and help him with the Garden. But after they sinned, everything changed. …
The definition of covenant is basically two parties entering into an agreement that makes all of my things your things, and all of your things my things. God's strengths become our strength. God's resources become our resources. God invited Abraham …
Cries of "Hosanna!' had turned to cries of "Crucify Him!". Once on the cross, the religious leaders mocked Jesus saying, "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." "If He is the King of Israel, let …
As we delve deeper, we discover the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and the divine timing that aligns with the Passover festival. Jesus fulfills the Passover as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, signaling the end of the old covenant and the ushering …
The hostility against Jesus mounted as it became more apparent who He was. The Honeymoon with Jesus and His enemies was over. He was a threat the them and everything they had built out of the bricks of religion and …
An eye for an eye does not promote the law of love. Satan is the god of this world. What would ever make us think that he would promote the justice due a man? Or that his administration of this …
The Lord instructs His people to have other gods before Him and that He is a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers onto the children to the third and fourth generation. Unless we put the devil into the …
The symptoms of chaos in our lives are anxiety, depression and fear. Chaos comes as one of the after-effects of childhood trauma. The trauma has gotten us to permit disassociation and "I don't want to know" to rule in our …
Life is the place where love and fear meet and make war. It is the co-mingling of the two most powerful and compelling forces on earth. "Perfect love casts out fear." But what is love? We are told that God …
The dictionary defines pain as penalty, and suffering inflicted as punishment of an offense. This is a perfect lead in for the spirit of guilt to gets us to agree with the implication that we deserve to be punished for …
Only those written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be permitted to enter into the temple. (Rev.21:27) Jesus told His disciples to rejoice that their names “were written in Heaven.” “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing …
There is not much glory in this Snake Pit down here. Atrocities, horrific injustices, vile hatred and sin rule the day. Jesus came to lay down His life in the Snake Pit to glorify the Father and redeem us from …
Isaiah said it well. Pits of despair, lies, caves of fear and confusion have locked up God’s people. It is time to come out of the strongholds Satan has set, the snares of hopelessness. “But this is a people robbed …
Be anxious for nothing. Fear not. God is for me. Fear makes us anxious. Perfect love casts out fear - if we know God is for us. What are the thoughts fear is putting in our minds to build its …
Emmanuel (Immanuel) means "God with us." God is above us. God is against us when we sin. God is among us. God is for us. God is in us. God is with us. And because Jesus came to be with …