How big a deal is the Fear of the Lord in a believer's life? What does is do? Where has if gone? The first first sign of the loss of fear of the Lord is the subtle corrusion and corruption …
Do not be deceived, Jesus said. “ Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ And will deceive many .” -Mt 24:4-5 “ If anyone says, here is the …
The Apostle Paul addressed that issue in Romans chapter 7 when he said, ” If I am doing what I will not to do, then it is no longer I who do it but the sin that dwells in me …
We all have mothers. Our relationship with our mother is our first connection with life. The bond is strong, but the diabolical work of the enemy to undo the foundations of the righteous begins with how we treat our mothers …
Are you caught circling around old habits, stuck in a rut, living your life in passive un-fulfillment, up against a mountain of resistance and difficulty? It is time to speak to the mountain, as Jesus told us and move out, …
As Moses charges the Children of Israel with his last words before he dies, he tells the people they have hung around this mountain long enough. They had been going in circles for forty years, and it was time to …
Mary needed faith to move the promises of God forward in the redemption of mankind. We look for results, outcomes, answers to prayer. God looks at the process, the refining of our faith to believe in the faithfulness of God. …
As the world faces upheaval and turmoil, we are reminded of God's mercy, ever-present and unyielding, in keeping His Promises. From Genesis to Bethlehem to Revelation, God overshadowed HIs people with mercy and strength. Thro...
Today, we will treat you to a scene from the audio Drama God On Trial, a 28-episode radio drama. The premise of the story is the war between God and Satan for the souls of men, told from Satan’s point …
We are still is grave danger as a nation, until we get to the root of the problem in this world. The issue is one of idolatry, our fascination with the pursuit of everything other than the One True God. …
It is time to wake up and realize where we are at and what time it is. “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer than …
The disciples asked Jesus the same question. The kingdom would not be recognized physically because it would be revealed from within. This is not what they wanted to hear, nor did they understand it. Jesus’ prediction and des...
Where is Your Justice, Oh God? The righteous are pushed down, persecuted, and perish, while the godless mock, toast, and relentlessly pressure the innocent. The Psalms are full of the prayers of those being persecuted, hunted...
The nation of Israel in Nehemiah's day was in a crisis. The only thing that could restore it was in recognizing a need for revelation and repentance. The cycle of blessing and rebellion and rejection of God's commandments had...
How do we, as Christians, participate in today's politics? Do politics and religion mix? We have all heard that there must be a separation of church and state. But is this the way things are supposed to be? The Bible …
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint." Pr. 2:13 God tells the prophet Hosea, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hos. 4:6 Isaiah continues the theme speaking for God, "Therefore , My peopl...
Join us as we examine the biblical insights from Luke 11 and Ephesians 6, revealing the roles of the strong man in our spiritual battles. Discover the significance of the armor of God and how truth, righteousness, faith, and ...
Have we learned to accept life without miracles? It was the compassion of Jesus that compelled Him to heal the people. (Mt 4:23-25) But what blocks us from receiving our healing? Some people resign themselves to accepting pai...
What has happened to those called to be the salt of the earth? Salt mixed with impurities loses its saltiness and is good for nothing but to be cast into the street and trampled underfoot. Have we become disillusioned with …
Where does all this insanity, the zombification, and dullness of hearing that has erupted among us come from? Jeremiah says, “For it is a land of carved images, and they are insane with their idols.” (Jer. 50:38) So, how does...
Idolatry, iniquity and declaring the sticks and stones to be their gods, was Jeremiah’s warning to the people, a warning they did not heed. Jeremiah’s message written thousands of years ago is as relevant to what is going on ...
We have been overstimulated and undernourished. Apathy, confusion, and dullness have overtaken the body of Christ. Who would have suspected a full-on assault of the Enemy to look like this? Not hand-to-hand combat, not spirit...
We are in a war where the weapons are not carnal as the Bible tells us, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds. What does that mean? What are the weapons and how do they work? It …
Jesus warned us about being deceived in the last days. With the rapture eminent, that means it could happen at any time, we do not what to be tricked into thinking we are ready to go when we could just …