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Oct. 17, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Are You A Wise Guy?"with Marjorie Cole

Are You A Wise Guy? - The Fear of the Lord brings wisdom. Join us today in taking a look at the wonderful promise of wisdom and spiritual understanding that comes from the Lord. "Because There Is A War For …

Episode page
Oct. 10, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Hope Deflated" with Marjorie Cole

Are doom and gloom eating up your hope? Is the Enemy’s agenda to get you to push the panic button and steal your faith? Join us in taking a look at the Enemy's attempt to deflate the believers hope and …

Episode page
Sept. 19, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Guilt:The Sacred Cow" with Marjorie Cole

Guilt:The Sacred Cow - Guilt is an idol of the church as much as the sacred cows of India or the golden calves of Egypt ever were. How is it that not everyone who says “Lord, Lord”, will enter into …

Episode page
Sept. 12, 2017

Rescue Radio: "Are You Guilty?" with Marjorie Cole

Are you guilty? Are you a believer caught in the grip of sin, feeling guilty for doing something you hate? Join us for Rescue Radio and take a closer look at the powerful ramifications of guilt in a believers life. …

Episode page
Sept. 5, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "The Rapture – Are You Ready?" with Marjorie Cole

The Rapture – Are You Ready? Join us today in taking a serious look at where we may be in the next 20 days. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. …

Episode page
Aug. 29, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Things Jesus Never Said" with Marjorie Cole

Things Jesus Never Said - That we preach & teach all the time! Join us in taking a better look at the REAL gospel of Jesus Christ. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political …

Episode page
Aug. 22, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "What Are You Looking At?" with Marjorie Cole

What Are You Looking At? In these days of noise and distractions and distress all around, what are the signs pointing to? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably …

Episode page
Aug. 15, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Are We Predestined?"with Marjorie Cole

Are We Predestined? - How does being “called” or "saved" work if God already knows everything? Join us for a look at an edgy spiritual can of worms. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too …

Episode page
Aug. 8, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Being a Servant - The Bright Side of Identity"with Ma…

What does it mean to be identified with and in Christ? Being a servant is the essence of following Jesus. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of …

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "The Bright Side of Identity"with Marjorie Cole

The Bright Side of Identity takes a look at who we are from God's perspective and gives us courage to believe what He says is true. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or …

Episode page
July 25, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "The Dark Side of Identity" with Marjorie Cole

The Dark Side of Identity - Looking at the backside of the internal inferno that Satan has created within the human being. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably …

Episode page
July 18, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Marjorie Cole

Who Do You Think You Are? A spiritual identity crisis has gripped mankind since the Fall. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and …

Episode page
July 11, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Been Converted?"with Marjorie Cole

Have you been converted since you believed? Every man has to experience his or her own personal fall, point of surrender after realizing defeat before the power of salvation can take effect. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" …

Episode page
June 27, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Marriage, Are You Sure?"with Marjorie Cole

Marriage, are you sure? Is it happily ever after or a fight to the finish? What does it take for those committed to make it work. Join us for a look at what it takes to stay married and be …

Episode page
June 20, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Life After Loss" with Marjorie Cole

Life After Loss – What Can Be Gained in the Losses of Life? How are we to survive the devestation of the sudden, irreversible losses that come with living? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or …

Episode page
June 13, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "The Clash of the Kingdoms" with Marjorie Cole

The Clash of Kingdoms. The Final Showdown -Where Will You Be? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most radical and useful information you will find …

Episode page
June 6, 2017

RESCUE RADIO:"Reconciling Disappointments" with Marjorie Cole

Reconciling Disappointments in Light of God’s Promises - Join us as Rescue Radio takes a sobering look at what derails us in our pursuit of God. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or …

Episode page
May 30, 2017

Rescue Radio: Paganism – Inside & Outside Of The Church

Can we say we love Jesus and still be practicing idolatry and witchcraft in our lives and in our churches? Are you practicing a Christianized form of heathenism? What is the eternal outcome of any who get caught in this …

Episode page
May 23, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "The Power Of Memories" with Marjorie Cole

Join us in taking a closer look at the power of memories and how life's past events anchor the soul and navigate our future. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. …

Episode page
May 16, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Curse Of The Mixed Gospel" with Marjorie Cole

Curse Of The Mixed Gospel (Mixing Law With Grace) - Breaking generational agreements with the law. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and …

Episode page
May 9, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Trying To Quit What I Can't Stop"with Marjorie Cole

Cravings – Trying to Quit What I Cannot Stop. Join us on Rescue Radio fo a look at addictions and will power. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably …

Episode page
May 2, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Potholes in the Highway of Holiness" with Marjorie Cole

Potholes in the Highway of Holiness - Why would we want to live holy when we live in a snake pit? Join us in taking a look at the obstaacles and objections to living a holy life. "Because There Is …

Episode page
April 25, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Dealing With Injustices" with Marjorie Cole

Dealing with injustices God's way. What do we do when offenses come and injustices surround us on every side? Join us today for Rescue Radio and take a look at what the Bible says to do. "Because There Is A …

Episode page
April 18, 2017

RESCUE RADIO: "Without The Resurrection..." with Marjorie Cole

Without The Resurrection... We have no hope. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and useful information you will find on radio. Join us …

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