There more than six wars described in the Bible that will occur in the "latter days." To many these would appear to be those days. The major concern would be how far will this war in Israel spread and how long will it last? Is this World War III?
There more than six wars described in the Bible that will occur in the "latter days." To many these would appear to be those days. The major concern would be how far will this war in Israel spread and how long will it last? Is this World War III?
For sure we know, this is not a war we can ignore. This war is our business and may involve us more personally than the many foreign wars we have watched from the safety of our living rooms in the past.
Is this the war described in Ezekiel 38-39, which may be the same wars described in Psalm 83 and Psalm 110? Is it the the Battle of Armageddon described in Revelation 16 and 19?
Israel is a central player in God's agenda for the closing events in this age. God clearly tells us that in the Ezekiel war, God will put a hook in the jaw of Israel's enemies. He is about to draw them down into the conflict to cause the world to know that He is God.
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