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Nov. 19, 2024

"Wake Up" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

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RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

It is time to wake up and realize where we are at and what time it is. “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.”  Rom. 13:11.

It is time to be transformed, not just to change. We have all tried to change, but now it is time to walk in the Spirit and know what the Spirit is saying.

God wants to lift us up into the place of laying aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us and walk in the appointed course - the race, the Lord has set before us.

It is not about doing so much as being – being aware that not everything we thought was God, or was us, was correct. We must decide to get up, out of our beds of comfort and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit by reading His Word and abiding in it.

Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books.

"Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 



00:37 - Spiritual Awakening

02:32 - The Wake Up Call

05:01 - Knowing the Time

08:05 - Total Dedication

10:17 - The Battle Within

12:47 - Transformation Through Abiding

17:25 - The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

18:56 - Living in the Spirit

24:02 - A Call to Action

27:49 - Exposing Hidden Darkness

30:03 - Awaken, O Sleeper

34:27 - Running the Race

35:08 - Preparing for the Season


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I thank you, Jesus, for shedding your blood and sending help,

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coming yourself, doing what needed to be done, defeating the devil.

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We pray, O God, that your will be done this day in our lives as we listen,

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as we allow the Holy Spirit to examine where we are at in our walk with you,

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Lord Jesus, that you give us counsel and encouragement.

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I pray that you'd give us also the courage to let go of the things that have

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been hindering and holding us back, the little pet sins, the little bad habits,

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the little bouts with unbelief, God, that you'd help us to let them go.

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I thank you, Jesus. You are victorious. I thank you for giving us power over

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all the power of the enemy, that nothing shall by any means hurt us, Lord God.

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You said go forth, heal, preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,

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raise the dead. I thank you, Lord God, that you are a faithful witness.

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I thank you, you are our faithful witness.

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I thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper, that you cover your

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remnant, your people, your family, those who follow you with the blood of Jesus,

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that the enemy cannot get into our lives, cannot wreck our health,

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cannot destroy our families, cannot steal our wealth or our finances or our

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positions or our destinies, Father.

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We bind all those things that come against us with witchcraft in the name of

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Jesus Christ, and we declare thy will be done, O God. Amen.

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Amen. So it's waking up.

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It's time to wake up. It's time to wake up.

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Some people still, if you're staying at a motel, you know, you tell the desk

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or the computer or whatever.

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You want a wake up call at 630 or whatever it is. And they said, well, Mr.

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Sometimes they used to say, Mr.

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Whatever your name is, this is your wake up call.

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So we're talking about the wake up call today. Well, in Romans chapter 10,

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I think we're going to look at a few scriptures today that kind of lead us and

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help us to understand this more fully.

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In verse 11, I'm going to read this and then you read the Amplified, okay?

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By the way, it's Romans 13.

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Yeah, 13 and 11. Yeah, start with 10. Start with 10. Love does no harm to a neighbor.

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Therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law or the fulfillment of the law.

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Boy, we could talk about that for a long time too. And do this,

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knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep,

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for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

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The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works

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of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.

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Let us walk properly as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness,

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not in licentiousness and lewdness, not in strife and envy, but put on the Lord

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Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts.

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What does that say in the Amplified? Wow.

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Yeah, we really like the Amplified version on this.

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Let's start with verse 10. We'll read through verse 10.

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14. Love does no wrong to one's neighbor. It never hurts anybody.

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Therefore, love meets all the requirements and is the fulfillment of the law.

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Besides this, you know what a critical hour this is.

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How it is high time now for you to wake out of your sleep, first believed,

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adhere to, trusted, and relied on Christ the Messiah.

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The night is far gone and the day is almost here, let us then drop or fling

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away the works and deeds of darkness and put on the full armor of light.

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Let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the open light

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of day, not in reveling, carousing, and drunkenness, not in immorality.

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Debauchery, sensuality, and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy,

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but clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah,

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and make no provision for indulging the flesh, put a stop to thinking about

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the evil cravings of your physical nature to gratify its desires, its lusts.

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Wow, that's really something to so specifically giving us the understanding

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where we're at in these days. We're at this turning point.

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We're at a place where we need to take up this command to knowing the time.

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We really, it's critical to know the time, the time that we're in,

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the time we've been through, the times what's going to happen.

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And it is high time to, like the word says, wake up, take action.

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Pay attention to your life.

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Don't just kind of drift down the river of whatever. It's time for us to make decisions,

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take action because you know your life you're going to have to give an

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account of your specific individual life we're not just groupies

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on this earth we all have an individual destiny

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in life and so when we know what time it is we know we're

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nearer than when we first believed we know that the night is far spent we know

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that we've got to get going and the hidden works of darkness that we've been

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playing around with let us you know not walk in the in the you know we think

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well we want to go back to normal we want to go back to something that no we

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can't go back we have to go forward,

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and we want to go forward in the counsel and the power and the anointing and

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the authority of what God has done and is doing right now in and through this nation.

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I mean, there's been an amazing turnaround, and we want to take advantage of what God is doing.

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And let there be an amazing turnaround, not only politically and toward righteousness,

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but But toward righteousness, it has to happen in our hearts.

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It takes more than conservative political action and talk. It takes a decision.

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It takes a transformation by the renewing of our minds.

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Let me just read from Romans chapter 12. Let me read it in the first.

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I'll read it and then you read it. Read it first in the New King James and then

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I'll read it in the Apophon.

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Yeah, Roman, this is what we're talking about, that transformation you're talking about.

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I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your

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bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

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And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of

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your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

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Well, then the Amplified says, Romans 12, 1 and 2, I appeal to you, therefore, brethren,

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and beg of you in view of all the mercies of God to make a decisive dedication

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of your bodies, presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice,

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holy, devoted, consecrated, and well-pleasing to God, which is your reasonable,

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rational, intelligent service and spiritual worship.

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Do not be conformed to this world, this age. Do not be fashioned after and adapted to its external,

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superficial customs, but be transformed,

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changed by the entire renewal of your mind,

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by its new ideals and its new attitude that you may prove for yourselves what

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is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is

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good and acceptable and perfect in his sight for you.

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So basically, this is the deal.

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The time comes where you have to just make up your mind that you're going to

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just give everything over to the Lord.

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You're going to get rid of the junk, turn away from all the junk and say, Lord, this is it.

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I'm in here all the way. I'm in here full bore.

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I'm totally yours. is I'm devoting my entire being to you.

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This is your reasonable service. This is your worship.

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Your worship is not just singing on Sunday.

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You are singing in your car to your favorite person.

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Group or whatever. It's offering yourself fully to the Lord.

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That's your spiritual worship.

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Worship is everything you are and everything you do as unto the Lord, holy as unto the Lord.

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And so the thing is, get away from, if your heart is divided,

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your affections are turning toward the things of this world and to God.

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If you're kind of halfway, you're kind of like, someone used to call them batty Christians.

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A bat isn't really a bird or a mouse. It's kind of somewhere in between.

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Some of you are batty. You're just kind of somewhere in between.

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And now's the time to get in all the way with both feet, with your whole heart.

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And I believe we do have a desire.

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God has put a desire in our hearts, made us in his image, and put that in our

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spirit to love him, to love the truth, to want the truth.

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And yet we find that battle that goes on between our spirit and our soul because

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your spirit is created by God to know God, receive his communications.

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Understand his word, his spirit, bearing witness with our spirit.

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But the old man, the carnal man, the one who's been grown up in this world,

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a snake pit that's been programmed by the things of the world, has created a division.

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So we're pulled between serving God with all of our heart, soul,

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mind, and strength, and like Lot, Lot's wife, looking back.

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We keep, well, maybe I can save this for myself, or maybe I can still do this,

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or maybe I can still, whatever that might be, or maybe I can still not have

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to give up all my favorite junk food, or maybe I can just watch this one little thing.

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It's really, if you're not gonna get 100% in for God, you're still gonna have

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open doors for the enemy.

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And this is where the problem is. People make resolutions all the time and sometimes,

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I think even now though, people are making less resolutions because it's so hard to just.

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Turn over, let go, die, surrender, whatever you want to call it, be transformed.

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But the transformation isn't something you do. And a lot of times we don't even

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understand that Satan himself is using your desire to follow God against you.

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It's like the fisherman who uses the bait to catch the fish. So how does that work?

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Well, we're desiring to follow God, and we have all those old ideas of what that looks like.

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Let's do more of this, do more of that, do less of this. I should, I shouldn't.

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And we wear ourselves out with anxiety feeling, did I do it right?

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Did I do enough? Should I do more? Is God mad at me?

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We still don't have that peace in our minds, our hearts, our souls,

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because we're still divided in our soul has been set up in opposition to our spirit.

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So the way we actually get transformed is a couple of things.

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We need to understand, number one, that not everything that you think and not

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everything you feel and not everything you see yourself doing is actually you.

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Yes, you are doing it, but it is not motivated by the God in you,

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by the true you. It's motivated by...

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You know, that spirit that's impersonating you to yourself. And there's also

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a part of that impersonation and treachery, trickery is the lying and religious

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spirits, pious deceivers who want you to think that just doing more and more

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and more good things is what God wants.

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And then you wear yourself or God wants you to, you know, quit everything.

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Yes, there's a lot of things we need to quit. There's addictions,

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there's obsessions, there's perversions, there's all kinds of,

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there's mockery, there's fear, there's lies that we believe about life has to

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be fair, and there's bitterness and anger and injustice,

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all of these things that go on in our life that want to distract us from truly

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focusing on where we're at, who we are, and what God's doing.

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And so all of that thing in our soul is all about me, me trying to quit, me trying to be better.

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And that strong man is trying to actually deceive you and pull you away from

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who you are by pushing a religious agenda on you.

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And so then you tried that before, you got discouraged, you gave it up,

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and now you're kicking yourself because you can't do it and you don't know where to go.

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Well, the thing we need to do is to be, to understand that we are beings,

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not doings, and it's out of being and abiding in Jesus Christ who is divine.

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Out of that relationship comes the fruits of righteousness.

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It comes the transformation that we're looking for as we allow him to speak

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to us. And he does that through his Holy Spirit.

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He does that through his word. He does that through, the Bible says,

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be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Romans 12.1.

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So the mind has to be transformed, but it's transformed through the word,

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through reading the word out loud or reading the word to yourself,

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meditating on the word, thinking on whatsoever things are purely,

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honest, suggestion of good report.

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Filling your life, your meditation, your thoughts with what God is talking about,

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what God says, what God wants, what God is doing, instead of looking all around

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and seeing, trying to figure out what God's doing by looking at what everybody else is doing.

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We have to look at God and see what he's doing through his word,

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through his spirit, and surrender to him.

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Yeah, Satan's activity in this world, his lies that come to us in many different

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forms are seeking to conform us, to mold us into the wickedness of this world.

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And trying to quit the wickedness or on a torture rack, trying to quit the wickedness

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and trying to walk in righteousness and failing.

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So the answer, it says in Romans 12, 2, is to be transformed,

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as you said it well, transformed by the renewing of our minds.

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Jesus said in John 17, sanctify them through your truth. Your word is truth.

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So your word renews us, and we're to be conformed to the image of Jesus.

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Right. And this is the deal. So Romans 8.29, I'm going to read it in two different translations here.

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Romans 8.29 in the New King James.

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It says, For whom he foreknew, he also predestinated to be conformed to the

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image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

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So Romans 8.29 in the Amplified Bible says, For those whom he foreknew,

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of whom he was aware and loved beforehand,

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he also destined from the beginning for ordaining them to be molded into the

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image of his son and share inwardly his likeness,

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that he might become the firstborn among many brethren.

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So God's goal is to have a whole bunch of people that become like Jesus,

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were molded into the image of his son.

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There's a process of transformation that we become more and more like Jesus,

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and that's God's goal for us. And God's goal is accomplished through God.

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God needs our agreement. We work with God. We say, yes, Lord, thy will be done in me.

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Okay. So we give God our will and then God does the work. It's not like you

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have to do all the work and see if you're doing it right.

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It's you say, yes, Lord, thy will be done.

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Lead me by your spirit. Give me a hunger for your word. May

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I understand give me revelation and god is

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the one who does the changing god is the one who transforms us not

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my good deeds not going to a certain religious group or practicing this or that

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or trying harder to be good or trying harder not to do something it is about

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the the power of the holy spirit but most people do not get this they do not

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get the spirit it's like the holy spirit is like.

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Aerodynamics. And the works of the flesh, our own struggling and striving to

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be good and be holy, is like gravity.

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So the caterpillar crawls around on the ground, trying not to be stepped on. His life is ugly.

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It's limited. He's limited in his own strength as to how far he can go.

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And he's in danger because somebody could step on him at any minute.

00:16:38.815 --> 00:16:41.455
He's so ugly, they're probably going to flick him off somewhere.

00:16:41.635 --> 00:16:44.795
So that's the life of a caterpillar. And that's the life of most believers.

00:16:44.995 --> 00:16:48.575
We're just trying in our own strength to do something we can't do.

00:16:48.675 --> 00:16:53.135
But if you allow the Lord God to do the work by his spirit in you,

00:16:53.235 --> 00:16:54.275
it's called aerodynamics.

00:16:54.455 --> 00:16:59.895
So now you are airborne, you're lifted up in the spirit, carried away in the spirit.

00:17:00.055 --> 00:17:04.655
So the carrying away in the spirit, you can travel far, you can do unlimited things.

00:17:04.815 --> 00:17:07.935
You can go in that airplane, you can go across the world. That caterpillar is

00:17:07.935 --> 00:17:11.735
never going to get across the world unless it's a stowaway on some boat or some

00:17:11.735 --> 00:17:14.315
plane, and it's still not making it.

00:17:14.495 --> 00:17:20.075
So we have to realize there's the Spirit, and there's the natural world,

00:17:20.155 --> 00:17:23.555
the Spirit and the flesh, and God wants to carry you, but you're not going to

00:17:23.555 --> 00:17:25.935
get there doing it in your own strength.

00:17:25.975 --> 00:17:29.815
You're going to get there by acknowledging the Lord God is the lover of your

00:17:29.815 --> 00:17:33.215
soul, created you from the beginning, knows all about you, and going back to

00:17:33.215 --> 00:17:37.975
Him and asking Him to do the work of His Spirit in you, the work he's purposed

00:17:37.975 --> 00:17:38.855
in you from the beginning.

00:17:39.135 --> 00:17:45.755
The word for transform there in Romans 12 too, it means metamorphosis.

00:17:46.035 --> 00:17:51.255
In other words, so what happens to the caterpillar? The caterpillar turns into

00:17:51.255 --> 00:17:56.375
a butterfly and it's through the spirit of God.

00:17:56.555 --> 00:18:01.515
If you allow the spirit of God speak to you and do what the spirit of God is

00:18:01.515 --> 00:18:06.895
leading you to do and saturate yourself with the Word of God.

00:18:06.995 --> 00:18:10.055
You'll soar in the Spirit. And you'll begin to fly in the Spirit.

00:18:10.055 --> 00:18:10.515
And you'll be beautiful.

00:18:10.535 --> 00:18:16.935
Because there's a dimension of the Holy Spirit that the Lord wants us to live in. Fish live in water.

00:18:17.586 --> 00:18:20.786
Christians are called to live in the Spirit.

00:18:20.986 --> 00:18:27.286
And this is not just some nebulous kind of thing that a certain select group

00:18:27.286 --> 00:18:33.006
of people do, some real high-powered ministers in some big ministry. This is for everyone.

00:18:33.246 --> 00:18:37.226
The promise of the Holy Spirit, Peter said on the day of Pentecost,

00:18:37.346 --> 00:18:40.926
is to you and to your children and to your children's children,

00:18:41.126 --> 00:18:45.966
as many as are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

00:18:45.966 --> 00:18:52.906
So as long as God's calling people to himself, he's equipping them and inspiring

00:18:52.906 --> 00:18:56.886
them and transforming them by my spirit.

00:18:56.926 --> 00:19:01.706
So what we're saying is now we've lived as caterpillars in this world for a

00:19:01.706 --> 00:19:04.386
long time, and it's time to wake up,

00:19:04.686 --> 00:19:08.226
go into that chrysalis, go into that cocoon, allow the Lord to strip you of

00:19:08.226 --> 00:19:12.386
all your vain ambitions and whatnot and laziness or whatever it is,

00:19:12.446 --> 00:19:14.126
or depression or whatever it is, sickness.

00:19:14.666 --> 00:19:20.046
Let the Lord take you out of that place and bring you into the place where he

00:19:20.046 --> 00:19:22.026
talks about in Ephesians chapter five.

00:19:22.286 --> 00:19:26.486
Before we go there, could I read from Hebrews, please?

00:19:27.126 --> 00:19:29.666
Let me just read from Hebrews chapter 12.

00:19:30.806 --> 00:19:35.686
Well, I think they're both good. Go ahead. It's all good. It's the word of God, right?

00:19:36.386 --> 00:19:45.466
So he says, and I'll just go right to the Amplified in Hebrews chapter 12, verses 1 and 2.

00:19:46.186 --> 00:19:51.646
Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,

00:19:51.946 --> 00:19:53.126
who are these witnesses?

00:19:53.386 --> 00:19:58.086
Those who have come before us who have borne testimony to the truth,

00:19:58.246 --> 00:20:01.446
our predecessors in the faith that have done well.

00:20:01.626 --> 00:20:07.626
Let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance, unnecessary weight,

00:20:07.666 --> 00:20:09.586
and that sin which so readily.

00:20:10.366 --> 00:20:16.586
Deftly, and cleverly clings to and entangles us and let us run with patient

00:20:16.586 --> 00:20:22.566
endurance and steady and active persistence. I like that.

00:20:23.206 --> 00:20:26.806
Patient endurance and steady and active persistence.

00:20:27.126 --> 00:20:31.066
The appointed course, that's how we're running, of the race that is set before

00:20:31.066 --> 00:20:33.946
us. Looking away from all that will distract.

00:20:34.346 --> 00:20:37.766
Oh boy, talk about distractions around us. All kinds.

00:20:38.446 --> 00:20:41.906
Looking to Jesus, who is the leader and the source of our faith,

00:20:42.146 --> 00:20:47.466
giving the first incentive for our belief and is also its finisher,

00:20:47.766 --> 00:20:50.026
bringing it to maturity and perfection.

00:20:50.246 --> 00:20:54.506
For he, for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before him,

00:20:54.666 --> 00:21:00.166
endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the

00:21:00.166 --> 00:21:02.586
right hand of the throne of God. So.

00:21:03.201 --> 00:21:10.621
As Jesus endured and persisted and just kept going in his God-appointed course,

00:21:10.801 --> 00:21:13.101
he's saying that's what we're to do also.

00:21:13.261 --> 00:21:15.521
And that's important, our God-appointed course.

00:21:16.061 --> 00:21:19.741
Jesus knew who he was. He knew why he came, and when he was here,

00:21:19.761 --> 00:21:25.481
all the insults and the reproaches and the rejection and the shame and all of

00:21:25.481 --> 00:21:27.301
the maligning and scoffing,

00:21:27.441 --> 00:21:32.081
he was able to endure it because he knew who he was and he knew where he had come from.

00:21:32.081 --> 00:21:36.001
And if you know where you come from, like Jesus, you don't have to take these

00:21:36.001 --> 00:21:39.941
things as personal insults because he knew what was in man.

00:21:40.121 --> 00:21:48.101
And he was, you know, he actually knew the battle between good and evil that was in every man.

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And so he was, but he knew who he was. And I believe as we get more transformed,

00:21:52.661 --> 00:21:55.761
we get more like Jesus. We follow and let his spirit work more through us.

00:21:55.941 --> 00:22:00.301
We become more like him and become confident in knowing who we are.

00:22:00.301 --> 00:22:04.641
And then when we know who we are, where we came from, that God knew of us and

00:22:04.641 --> 00:22:08.501
created us from the foundation of the world, that ought to give us some sense

00:22:08.501 --> 00:22:13.161
of destiny and origin and meaning and purpose in our lives.

00:22:13.281 --> 00:22:18.021
And so Jesus, I'm in Hebrews chapter 12, Jesus himself,

00:22:18.301 --> 00:22:24.421
he said, he laid aside every weight and we too are encouraged to lay aside every

00:22:24.421 --> 00:22:28.841
weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us and run with endurance the race that is set before us.

00:22:28.841 --> 00:22:32.441
I think that word endurance comes up against the word discouragement.

00:22:32.901 --> 00:22:35.701
People get discouraged, defeated, depressed. They don't feel good.

00:22:35.821 --> 00:22:40.141
You know, there's so many things after us now. This is full-on war.

00:22:40.301 --> 00:22:44.081
And Satan isn't just playing out there in the political arena to kill you and destroy you.

00:22:44.141 --> 00:22:47.421
He's taking your energy, your health, your life, your focus,

00:22:47.601 --> 00:22:49.541
your ability to see and discern.

00:22:49.701 --> 00:22:54.161
He wants to, you know, fill us with sickness and infirmity and afflictions and

00:22:54.161 --> 00:22:57.341
parasites and everything else. He wants to just take us out.

00:22:58.161 --> 00:23:01.081
Clog our minds, clog our veins, clog our relationships.

00:23:01.341 --> 00:23:06.801
So we are in a war, and the only way you can really receive what you need to

00:23:06.801 --> 00:23:10.561
be victorious and safe in this war is to get it from the Spirit of God.

00:23:10.821 --> 00:23:13.661
And the Spirit of God is everything we need, and he's the revelation.

00:23:13.661 --> 00:23:17.041
So the revelation of Jesus Christ, whether you need a healing in your physical

00:23:17.041 --> 00:23:22.621
body, you need a healing in a relationship, you need a breakthrough in your own attitude,

00:23:23.101 --> 00:23:27.241
whatever it all is, we know that God is there to give you the truth.

00:23:27.401 --> 00:23:28.521
The truth will bring freedom.

00:23:28.761 --> 00:23:34.681
And so when Jesus, he despised the shame. He didn't get sucked into the shame.

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He didn't give it up. He didn't say, well, forget this.

00:23:38.041 --> 00:23:41.061
He said he endured the cross, despising the shame.

00:23:41.361 --> 00:23:47.501
We also have to lay down our reputation to stand for righteousness,

00:23:47.501 --> 00:23:51.801
the reputation that we try to preserve out there in the world because we have

00:23:51.801 --> 00:23:54.561
a character and that character is to be created in.

00:23:55.828 --> 00:24:02.308
Forthright and truthful and faithful, that the Lord complete the work he has begun in us.

00:24:02.408 --> 00:24:07.048
And so this waking up is a lot more than just a political wake up.

00:24:07.448 --> 00:24:11.948
This is a call to repentance. It's a call to prayer. It's a call to transformation.

00:24:12.328 --> 00:24:16.728
It's a call to a new life. It's a call to a new you, doing things differently.

00:24:16.948 --> 00:24:18.848
And it's time because God is moving.

00:24:19.108 --> 00:24:24.948
He is moving powerfully. I mean, what he did in the last two weeks basically is,

00:24:25.408 --> 00:24:29.648
well, even since the middle of the summer, the things God is doing to interact,

00:24:29.848 --> 00:24:33.828
interject, intervene in the course of human history, in the course of mankind

00:24:33.828 --> 00:24:39.788
is something only God, and we all know it, only God from heaven could do.

00:24:39.788 --> 00:24:44.788
And so it's time for us to pay attention, knowing that God is paying attention

00:24:44.788 --> 00:24:50.828
and that we are, you know, he's watching us. He's waiting, watching.

00:24:51.148 --> 00:24:54.588
He knows what the outcome will be, but here's the deal. You can have an individual

00:24:54.588 --> 00:24:59.348
victorious outcome, whether or not the rest of the world finds Jesus or not.

00:24:59.408 --> 00:25:02.628
We want them to, of course. But, you know, you can live for God.

00:25:03.088 --> 00:25:06.408
God has given you the grace, the strength, whether you're in a communist country,

00:25:06.548 --> 00:25:09.168
whether you're in a concentration camp, whether you're in a wonderful,

00:25:09.348 --> 00:25:14.488
comfortable living space, a safe space, you and I can choose to live for God.

00:25:14.588 --> 00:25:20.228
And that's part of the problem. I think we need to surrender our circumstances,

00:25:20.228 --> 00:25:24.228
our survival to the Lord God to do His will no matter what.

00:25:25.108 --> 00:25:30.828
Ephesians 5, we're going to start with verse 11. Take no part in and have no

00:25:30.828 --> 00:25:35.508
fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness.

00:25:37.128 --> 00:25:39.848
Do we have this? This is what we've got going on. Partaking with.

00:25:40.188 --> 00:25:43.028
Enterprises of darkness all around us.

00:25:43.208 --> 00:25:47.148
The cunning schemes, you know, being sucked up into them. Take no part in this.

00:25:47.308 --> 00:25:54.528
Don't be deceived by them. But instead, let your lives be so in contrast as

00:25:54.528 --> 00:25:57.748
to expose and reprove and convict them.

00:25:57.928 --> 00:26:05.568
So we are called to live as a stark contrast to this present evil world.

00:26:05.668 --> 00:26:09.208
This present darkness. The world is full of darkness and evil and wickedness

00:26:09.208 --> 00:26:11.588
and lust and perversions of all kinds.

00:26:12.228 --> 00:26:17.828
But we are to be living in the spirit of God, in the grace of God, in the love of God.

00:26:17.988 --> 00:26:20.888
We are the light of the world. We're the salt of the earth.

00:26:21.208 --> 00:26:24.048
You know, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

00:26:24.208 --> 00:26:27.428
God has not changed what he's expected, what he's talked about,

00:26:27.568 --> 00:26:31.348
what he's showed us through the creation, through Genesis, through Romans 1,

00:26:31.348 --> 00:26:36.188
that he is always the same and he wants us to come back to him.

00:26:36.888 --> 00:26:40.548
And even as you're reading in Ephesians chapter five, the very first verse says,

00:26:41.008 --> 00:26:45.648
therefore be followers of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ also

00:26:45.648 --> 00:26:48.628
has loved us and given himself for us and offering in a sacrifice,

00:26:48.648 --> 00:26:52.588
which goes back to Romans one and two, a sacrifice to God, a sweet smelling savor.

00:26:53.299 --> 00:27:00.979
Yeah, and then he says, take apart and have no fellowship with the fruitful

00:27:00.979 --> 00:27:03.479
works of darkness. Repeating that from verse 11.

00:27:03.859 --> 00:27:08.339
Fruitless, not fruitful, fruitless deeds. Unfruitful, unfruitful.

00:27:08.459 --> 00:27:09.999
Unfruitful works of darkness.

00:27:10.639 --> 00:27:19.079
Verse 12, for it is a shame even to speak or mention the things that such people practice in secret.

00:27:19.079 --> 00:27:22.839
In other words, what's going on, you know, in the most shocking,

00:27:22.979 --> 00:27:25.979
horrible things that God has had to bring to the surface to let us see what

00:27:25.979 --> 00:27:28.459
people are really doing to human beings.

00:27:28.739 --> 00:27:32.299
It's almost like we don't even want to look at those things or talk about those

00:27:32.299 --> 00:27:33.159
things. They're so terrible.

00:27:33.339 --> 00:27:38.159
And God wants to expose the evil secret things of our hearts,

00:27:38.359 --> 00:27:40.639
too, and then transform our hearts.

00:27:40.639 --> 00:27:43.319
Because those things are not us, but they're lurking in there,

00:27:43.599 --> 00:27:49.239
violating us with lust and perversions and pornographies and accusations and guilt and shame.

00:27:49.379 --> 00:27:52.739
Those are not from God. The Holy Spirit does not lead us into destruction.

00:27:53.179 --> 00:27:58.119
He leads us into truth. And if you realize there's only two kingdoms and Jesus

00:27:58.119 --> 00:27:59.719
said, by their fruits, you shall know them.

00:27:59.819 --> 00:28:03.479
So if what you're doing reduces down to fear, stress, anxiety,

00:28:03.559 --> 00:28:06.159
I hate myself. I got to try harder. I'm never going to make it in failure.

00:28:06.479 --> 00:28:08.939
They're not suggestions from the Holy Spirit.

00:28:09.299 --> 00:28:13.379
They're from the enemy who's pumping those suggestions through your own mind

00:28:13.379 --> 00:28:14.639
and heart and understanding.

00:28:14.899 --> 00:28:19.639
So we have to sort things out quickly and say, no, no, this is not from God.

00:28:19.799 --> 00:28:23.899
Therefore, I reject this. This is counsel from hell. It sounds like me talking to me.

00:28:24.019 --> 00:28:28.039
I reject it because I want to walk in the fullness of the fruit of the Spirit.

00:28:28.179 --> 00:28:32.479
And it's the light of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that exposes These

00:28:32.479 --> 00:28:33.959
hidden works of darkness, yeah.

00:28:34.119 --> 00:28:41.299
He reproves those things, the hidden works of darkness, verse 13 of Ephesians

00:28:41.299 --> 00:28:46.779
5, again, Amplified Bible, it is made visible and clear, and where everything

00:28:46.779 --> 00:28:48.999
is visible and clear, there is light.

00:28:49.179 --> 00:28:55.319
So exposing the works of darkness, exposing them and removing them,

00:28:55.459 --> 00:28:58.519
that's what the Lord is doing in our lives, in our nation.

00:28:58.699 --> 00:29:02.299
Yes, and there's even false light. You know, the angel of light,

00:29:02.519 --> 00:29:05.739
Paul warns about him, the angel of light, the demon, the spirit, the Satan.

00:29:05.919 --> 00:29:08.819
He comes as a minister of righteousness as an angel of light.

00:29:08.819 --> 00:29:12.759
So a lot of times the enemy will try to trick us into believing that what we're

00:29:12.759 --> 00:29:16.419
following is light and it is not.

00:29:16.659 --> 00:29:19.919
So we allow the Holy Spirit to assess righteousness.

00:29:20.765 --> 00:29:24.465
You know, what's going on? Let him give us wisdom.

00:29:24.485 --> 00:29:27.865
And I believe that's one thing we really need to cry out for in these days of

00:29:27.865 --> 00:29:33.865
waking up, is wisdom that we will not continue to walk in the unfruitful works of darkness,

00:29:34.365 --> 00:29:39.805
but rather expose them, know what they are, and go forward in goodness and the

00:29:39.805 --> 00:29:41.465
love of God, the power of God, the faith of God.

00:29:41.705 --> 00:29:44.965
God has got work for us to do, and you can't do that when you're all bound up,

00:29:45.085 --> 00:29:46.525
compromised, and doubtful.

00:29:46.705 --> 00:29:51.325
The truth exposes that, which is false. And verse 14, therefore,

00:29:51.365 --> 00:29:53.045
he says, here we go again,

00:29:53.585 --> 00:29:59.085
awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ shall shine,

00:29:59.505 --> 00:30:03.405
make day dawn upon you, and give you light.

00:30:03.985 --> 00:30:07.965
Awake. Awake up. Wake up, O sleeper. We say that to ourselves.

00:30:08.725 --> 00:30:12.845
Awake. Yes. God says that to us. Cast off the slumber, the stupor,

00:30:12.965 --> 00:30:18.705
the stop. And you know, another thing that we're mesmerized by is the stupor of the sorceries.

00:30:18.945 --> 00:30:23.745
We've participated in things that have put us to sleep, whether it's food we

00:30:23.745 --> 00:30:25.665
eat or drugs we do or take.

00:30:26.125 --> 00:30:30.985
The sorceries and the enchantments of the pharmakia and the witchcraft and the

00:30:30.985 --> 00:30:33.345
poison food has actually dulled us.

00:30:33.765 --> 00:30:36.585
So it's hard to wake up. I don't want to wake up because when I wake up,

00:30:36.665 --> 00:30:39.325
I have to do life. And I want to just stay sleeping because life is too hard.

00:30:39.625 --> 00:30:43.225
And so we are given to the anxiety, fear.

00:30:43.305 --> 00:30:48.105
You know, a lot of people are trying to sleep their life away because it's just too painful, too hard.

00:30:48.265 --> 00:30:52.145
But get up and ask God to give you grace and strength to live your life and

00:30:52.145 --> 00:30:56.305
not to give it away to depression or anxiety or stupor.

00:30:56.505 --> 00:30:59.385
God is waking us up out of our stupor.

00:31:00.025 --> 00:31:05.245
So he, and it might be a shock to deal with what's really going on,

00:31:05.325 --> 00:31:07.525
but that's a shock that we need.

00:31:07.605 --> 00:31:11.985
So God, shock us, wake us up. And then he says in verse 15 in the Amplified

00:31:11.985 --> 00:31:16.725
Bible, Ephesians 5 again, look carefully then how you walk.

00:31:17.345 --> 00:31:24.445
Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless,

00:31:24.625 --> 00:31:28.505
but as wise, sensible, intelligent people.

00:31:28.685 --> 00:31:35.445
Then he says, go ahead, making the most of the time, buying up each opportunity

00:31:35.445 --> 00:31:37.645
because the days are evil.

00:31:38.245 --> 00:31:42.425
Therefore, he says, do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish.

00:31:43.065 --> 00:31:48.645
But understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.

00:31:48.745 --> 00:31:50.205
That word vague is kind of interesting.

00:31:50.345 --> 00:31:53.525
We don't want to be committed. We don't want to commit ourselves to this or

00:31:53.525 --> 00:31:57.205
that because we might be caught and we might find ourselves on the wrong side.

00:31:57.305 --> 00:32:02.205
Well, you don't have to be vague when you're walking with Jesus because Jesus Christ is the light.

00:32:02.465 --> 00:32:07.125
And those who choose him, he says, if you confess me before men,

00:32:07.125 --> 00:32:10.925
I will confess to you before my father but if you deny me before men I will

00:32:10.925 --> 00:32:12.325
deny you before my father and before

00:32:12.325 --> 00:32:17.225
the angels of God so it's like commit yourself this is your life don't.

00:32:17.930 --> 00:32:21.410
Walk on the double line or the middle line because there's no line.

00:32:21.590 --> 00:32:26.070
You get in or get out. So he says, walk circumspectly, that means carefully,

00:32:26.110 --> 00:32:31.390
with observation, paying attention to what's going on in your life spiritually.

00:32:31.390 --> 00:32:35.010
And if you don't know what's going on in your life, it's not that hard to ask.

00:32:35.150 --> 00:32:39.450
Lord, show me what's going on in my life. Lord Jesus, lead me by your spirit.

00:32:39.550 --> 00:32:41.790
Lord, I want to be led by your spirit. Open your mouth.

00:32:42.310 --> 00:32:46.930
Your mouth is a weapon. Use the words of your mouth as a declaration,

00:32:46.930 --> 00:32:52.830
as bullets against the enemy, and declare your position as walking in Jesus.

00:32:52.830 --> 00:32:56.190
That doesn't mean you have to be perfect. It just means, I want you,

00:32:56.330 --> 00:32:58.210
Jesus, to perfect that which concerns me.

00:32:58.470 --> 00:33:02.490
I'm going to let you shape my life, my spiritual life and destiny,

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and not the devil, and not religion, and not pious deceivers, and not guilt and shame.

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Get over that. Stop trying to be good, because you already are good.

00:33:11.790 --> 00:33:14.330
In Jesus, you've been made righteous.

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Your righteousness comes from God.

00:33:16.750 --> 00:33:21.250
God made us good. So stop trying to do good to be good and just be good.

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And out of the being, we'll follow the doing.

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And that's how I see our waking up. It's time for transformation.

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It's not just another time, a new leaf.

00:33:31.370 --> 00:33:36.170
We say, well, pray, don't stop praying, pray, pray, pray. But let's pray out of a new place.

00:33:36.170 --> 00:33:44.710
Let's pray out of a place of devotion, faith, sobriety, and a place of faith

00:33:44.710 --> 00:33:48.730
and knowing that God is going to do and answer and hear our prayers because of his word.

00:33:48.850 --> 00:33:52.930
So again, get back into the word of God, read the word of God,

00:33:53.050 --> 00:33:59.270
and cry out to God for wisdom and understanding of his word and grace and strength to do it.

00:33:59.710 --> 00:34:04.830
Heavenly Father, we just thank you, Lord, that we've been praying and many have

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been praying for a spiritual awakening in America and around the world.

00:34:10.850 --> 00:34:14.550
But right now, Lord, we just pray, and how is this going to happen?

00:34:14.730 --> 00:34:18.150
It's going to happen in you and in me.

00:34:18.350 --> 00:34:22.910
So I just say to you today, wake up, wake up.

00:34:23.030 --> 00:34:26.890
Lord, awaken us by your spirit, by your word.

00:34:27.430 --> 00:34:32.310
Sound the alarm. The alarm clock is going off, time to wake up, get going,

00:34:32.610 --> 00:34:37.470
not to be unwise, but to understand what the will of the Lord is,

00:34:37.650 --> 00:34:44.430
to get in with our whole hearts, to run this race that you've given to us, looking to Jesus.

00:34:44.990 --> 00:34:50.250
The author and finisher of our faith, that we'll run with persistence and accurately

00:34:50.250 --> 00:34:56.110
endure, accurately endure this race.

00:34:56.130 --> 00:34:59.570
It's not just that it's like an endurance test, but we'll just keep going.

00:34:59.770 --> 00:35:04.850
We'll just keep going, that we don't give up. We just yield ourselves to Jesus,

00:35:05.130 --> 00:35:07.370
and we keep going in the direction...

00:35:08.730 --> 00:35:14.790
That he is sending us in, no matter what happens, we're going to go for him. Amen.

00:35:15.110 --> 00:35:20.330
Well, I have a good idea. You know, the giving time of celebrating,

00:35:20.910 --> 00:35:23.930
remembering the birth of Jesus Christ is coming on up.

00:35:24.010 --> 00:35:27.070
And, you know, a lot of people like to give gifts at that time of the year,

00:35:27.290 --> 00:35:31.370
which is great because Jesus got gifts, you know, it's all good.

00:35:31.610 --> 00:35:37.390
But we have a product on our website, on liferecovery.com, at our store.

00:35:37.670 --> 00:35:42.570
It's called God on Trial. And it's an audio drama.

00:35:42.790 --> 00:35:49.070
It's a dramatization of the war, the story of the war between God and Satan for the souls of men.

00:35:49.410 --> 00:35:53.430
And there are actors, there's dialogue, there's interaction.

00:35:53.810 --> 00:35:58.350
It's a wonderful, it's almost like Adventures in Odyssey or something like that,

00:35:58.510 --> 00:36:01.430
where you can, you know, get it, your children will love it.

00:36:01.430 --> 00:36:04.930
It's fun and it's on many different levels it's

00:36:04.930 --> 00:36:08.790
educational it's inspirational it's evangelical i

00:36:08.790 --> 00:36:11.770
mean it gives a message to people who are skeptical because you

00:36:11.770 --> 00:36:15.810
know the enemy is putting god on trial in our minds every day to get us to judge

00:36:15.810 --> 00:36:22.410
him as unfair and distant and uncaring and so understanding from that point

00:36:22.410 --> 00:36:26.250
of view how satan is trying to undermine our relationship with god so it's called

00:36:26.250 --> 00:36:29.970
god on trial and these are audio dramas you can download them.

00:36:30.130 --> 00:36:33.630
There's 28 episodes. I think each episode is maybe less than five bucks.

00:36:34.490 --> 00:36:36.370
And they're 30 minutes long.

00:36:36.510 --> 00:36:40.910
So they're just wonderful for driving in the car, listening to you with your children.

00:36:41.170 --> 00:36:44.830
Great for opening a little Bible study discussion with your children,

00:36:45.090 --> 00:36:49.670
or even at an adult Bible study, or with your friends, because there's so much

00:36:49.670 --> 00:36:52.350
to it, and we're bringing in characters from the Old Testament,

00:36:52.870 --> 00:36:55.010
New Testament, the Holy Spirit.

00:36:55.230 --> 00:37:02.050
So again, God on Trial, check it out as a possible gift, giving life-giving

00:37:02.050 --> 00:37:06.730
gift, a fun gift for you and your family. Thank you. Have a great day.

00:37:08.930 --> 00:37:11.010
I have an emergency. What is your location?

00:37:12.240 --> 00:37:29.840

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3, 2, 1...

00:37:31.830 --> 00:37:35.390
Rescue Radio. Cause there's a war for your soul.