What time is it? I'm late! Time's up. We are eternal creatures who live in a corridor of time. The scripture admonishes us to redeem the time for the days are evil. Our life is given to us as a gift measured out as an allotted amount of time. We can ...
What time is it? I'm late! Time's up. We are eternal creatures who live in a corridor of time. The scripture admonishes us to redeem the time for the days are evil. Our life is given to us as a gift measured out as an allotted amount of time. We can invest that time in anything we choose.
The pauper and the rich man alike, are both given the same amount of time each day. The question is how will we invest that time. Will we give up on our dreams and the destiny God has put in our hearts because it is too hard or will we use that time to be prepared to fulfill the destiny as it unfolds.
Time is precious and once it passes it has been spent. Use to to buy up things you want to have with you in eternity.
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