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Rescue Radio, because there's a war for your soul.
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Yes, the war goes on. But, Lord, the war has already been won,
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and we thank you, Father, for completing the work you've begun in all of us
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as we go forward following you by the power of your Holy Spirit.
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We thank you for the direction that you put your Spirit right inside of us to
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know the truth, to walk in the truth, to recognize the truth about who you are.
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And not be deceived by the counterfeits, Father.
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And I thank you, Jesus. You are the genuine, the real deal.
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You died on the cross. You are our hero. You shed your blood.
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You delivered us through your grace and salvation, that we do not obtain that
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through works, but through your grace, through your goodness.
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And we thank you now for giving us eyes to see, ears to hear,
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and a heart to receive the revelation of your truth and a willing heart to get rid of the junk.
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We're going to clean the house today, God, and get rid of all these false notions
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about false gospels and false Jesus as Father God and help us to walk in the
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simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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And we thank you, Lord, for removing the powers of darkness that have blinded
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our eyes, the scales on our eyes, the strong and familiar spirits that hate
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the truth, that have set up all kinds of lookalike Jesuses out there.
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And I thank you, Jesus, for giving us the promise too that no weapon formed
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against us or our families will prosper or prevail.
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We petition the high court of heaven for the restoration of our relationships
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and with one another with peace and goodness and harmony, restoration of health
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and safety and finances, restoration for your people.
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Lord God, it is time for restoration as we present ourselves before you and
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forgive our enemies, Father. Now guide us in Jesus' name, amen.
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Well, we have to talk about the real Jesus. The real Jesus is really the real deal.
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And yet many people don't know that they're actually following us
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a fake or a false concept of God. Yeah, who is the real Jesus?
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Many years ago, way back, there was this television program.
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It was kind of like a game show, talk show, where there were three different
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people that would come on, all claiming to be the same person.
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And the panel, it was up to the panel to figure out which one was telling the truth.
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Well, nothing's changed. To find the real one. And then at the end of the show,
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they always revealed the one who was the real.
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Well, let's make the real Jesus stand up. That's kind of how they ended.
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That's how they would say, may the real, you know, Susie Jones stand up.
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Matthew 24, the first thing that Jesus warns us about when he warns us about
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the end which we are near or in, he says to them in verse 4, 24-4 of Matthew,
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and Jesus answered and said to them, take heed that no one deceives you,
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for many will come in my name saying that I am the Christ and will deceive many.
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And then he goes on to talk about wars and rumors of wars. And then he goes on in 23 and 24. He says.
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Then if anyone says to you, Look, here, here's the Christ, or there, do not believe them.
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For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders
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so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
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So in other words, looking at the signs, looking at the wonders,
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looking at the miracles, looking at the healings, looking at all the kinds of
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the smoke and mirrors, the calling fire from heaven, we know that Satan will
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be able to do that even as you look in the book of Revelations.
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So there's really how then do we know the true Jesus from the false Jesus?
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That becomes the real question and issue. And, you know, Jesus has gotten theologized.
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That's a good, that's a good way. You know, we got all this theology.
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Theology means the study of God, and we just, people try to figure them out,
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and a lot of them slant them in their denominational image. Right, yeah.
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And so forth. Well, they had that problem already back in the book of, you know...
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In Paul's day. Yeah, and then too, you think of the artists that have depicted
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Jesus so many different ways, so many different weird ways.
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And then some people back in the 70s thinking of Jesus, oh, he's just kind of
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a hippie that kind of cruises around in his sandals.
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Well, anyway, lots of, lots of things. He's nice to everybody.
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I think the worst place we have the wrong concept of Jesus is in our own minds, in our own souls.
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And because, you know, we don't recognize because we're so familiar with these
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pictures or these ways that Jesus Christ has presented that we don't,
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and we're so saturated with the false gospels that we don't recognize that Jesus Christ is the gospel.
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It presents to us the gospel of grace and good news. But Paul had this problem
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too in Galatians and Corinthians.
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2 Corinthians chapter 11, he said in verse,
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well, strength one and two and three, he says, I'm jealous over you with a godly
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jealousy because I am afraid,
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verse 3, that I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived or beguiled Eve
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by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
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And then he says, for if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom you have not
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preached, whom we have not preached,
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or you receive a different spirit which we have not sent you,
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or a different gospel which you have not accepted.
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In other words, at first you accepted it right, and now you're being deceived
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into believing something different. He says, you may well fall for it or put up with it.
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Then he goes on in verse 13, he says, for such are false apostles,
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deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. Because why?
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Because the devil knows we all want.
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The truth. We want righteousness and goodness. And so Satan is deceiving,
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using our innate desire for goodness to deceive us into believing lies about
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goodness, about having to be good, to do good things to be good.
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But anyway, no wonder he says, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
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Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into
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ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
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Yeah, transform themselves into ministers of righteousness.
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The Bible talks so much about pretenders. Jeremiah 23, for example, about false prophets.
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Ezekiel, I believe it's 34, talks a lot about false prophets.
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People that come and claim to bring the word of God, claim to bring the truth, and they don't.
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They absolutely don't. And then he says, they claim to be speaking from the
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Lord, but God says, I haven't spoken to them.
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They've heard nothing from me. They're speaking according to the imaginations
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of their own heart, or we could say even the theology of their own study.
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Here's a double problem then, because we've got preachers out there who are
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parading around, pretending, peddling the gospel, using the gospel of Jesus
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Christ for their own gains.
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And that's what Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians 11.
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But then you also have the problem with the innate, the inner concept of Jesus Christ.
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Who is he and how do I hear? How do I know that I'm listening to the right Jesus inside of me?
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So we have the outside where people are preaching a false gospel.
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Anyway, going back to Galatians chapter 3, Paul does not mince his words.
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He says in verse 1 of chapter 3 of Galatians, O foolish Galatians,
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who has bewitched you? This is the New King James. Thank you.
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That you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly
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portrayed among you as crucified.
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This only I want to hear or learn from you. Did you receive the Spirit,
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with a capital S, by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?
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Are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, the truth?
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Are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
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Have you suffered so many things in vain, if indeed it was in vain?
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Therefore, he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you,
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does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?
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He's making an argument here against, you know, the striving,
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the works, and he's pushing things back into, it's got to be done through the Spirit of God.
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But you can't be doing things through the Spirit of God if you don't know who
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Jesus Christ is or the Holy Spirit or recognize them.
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And so, so if somebody's coming preaching another Jesus,
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you know, whether it's you're picking it up through your, your,
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the churches, you're going to the things you're listening to online or whatever,
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of the YouTube videos, if they're preaching, but we say, okay,
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there's a simplicity that is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Many of the gospels have complicated the way that we are to be reconciled with God.
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They've used works. They've used rituals.
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They've rewritten and set up denominations. They've made different commandments.
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They've used theology. They've used all kinds of things to create an anxiety
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in us that, I don't know, am I doing it right? Is God mad at me?
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I broke that commandment. Now what's going to happen to me? There's just all
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of this fear and confusion, which are two fruits from which kingdom, heaven or hell?
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They're from hell. And so the simplicity, the goodness, the peace of God is a guide.
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The true peace, reconciliation, rest, those are the fruits that we're looking
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for when you're walking with Jesus Christ, even though you may be all beat up
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with all kinds of trials.
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Does that make sense? Yeah, that certainly makes sense. You know,
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we have this idea that we get our ideas about Jesus.
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We get them if you maybe went to Sunday school and you had a flannel board Jesus.
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Right. I mean, and basicallyâ Well, that's a good beginning.
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I understand people are trying to just, you know, teachers are wanting to communicate
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that Jesus Christ is a real person and he came here and all that kind of stuff.
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But then what has to happen in our hearts is that who is he really?
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You know, I mean, there's books about him. There are songs about him.
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But who is he to me? My focus has got to be.
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I will study those Gospels. This is why I tell people, when you first come to
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know Christ, don't necessarily go into Romans or even the Gospel of John.
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It's good because it reveals Jesus as the Son of God.
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But really getting into, I like to tell people to get into the book of Mark
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where you see the fast-moving action. Jesus in action.
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Jesus Christ in action in his ministry here on earth. Who is he?
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What's he doing? What's he up to? How does he respond? What's his attitude?
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How does he relate to people?
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So we have to go basically- Back to the book.
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Back to the book, back to the basics and say, okay, this is who he is. Amen.
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This is who he is. Well, what Satan has tried to do, obviously we don't realize
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in this war that Satan is, one of his strategies is to create counterfeits and complicate things.
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So if things are being complicated, removed from the simplicity.
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He complicates everything.
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God says there's one new commandment, and that is that you love the Lord your
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God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbors yourself.
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But the enemy will put zillions of commandments and rituals and things.
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And also the way of salvation.
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The enemy ties that up with you getting rid of your sin and being good and doing
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all of these magical things that will get you into heaven.
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But Jesus Christ, the one true Jesus, is the one who died on the cross. He is the way.
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He is salvation. He is our relationship. He's the way back to God,
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back to reconciliation.
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And he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if we're following another
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Jesus, a different spirit, a different gospel that Paul is warning us about,
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these false apostles, they're everywhere. They're pretenders. We know this.
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You know, God has given us a gift called the discerning of spirits.
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And in the discerning of spirits, the Holy Spirit inside of you is going to
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put up a little red flag and say, I don't know about that. That doesn't quite sit right with me.
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So pay some attention to that because it could very well be the Holy Spirit
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setting up a warning because of these pretenders.
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But these deceitful workers of iniquity can do, they can transform themselves and look like apostles.
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And many, Jesus said again, Matthew 24, do not be deceived.
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That's the telltale sign, that's the main first point of his telling us about
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the end days, the end times, would be the pervasion,
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the prevalence of perversion, of deception.
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Yeah, twisting the gospel, though what perversion is, it's something that's,
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if something's perverted, it's something that's twisted.
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It's not in its original shape. It's not in its original form.
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Or being used in its original purposes.
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And sometimes we just have to think, you know, we have to kind of manufacture
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all these teachings and thoughts about Jesus to make him more exciting, more palatable,
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more relatable.
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Well, we can do that, but it gets down to really the hard core of the Word of
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God, the Gospels of Jesus Christ. And of course, Paul, you know, expanded the gospel.
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He basically said, okay, not expanded it.
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Brought out the implications of the God.
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What does it mean that Jesus Christ died on the cross and that we put to our faith in him?
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So the details of that come out through his epistles.
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Well, we know because Satan is a counterfeiter and that's the best way to deceive
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people, especially people who are looking for the real.
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They're going to be, you know, allured into the other.
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Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the gospel of grace and good news.
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He is the Savior. He is the way of salvation.
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There is no other way to God except through him.
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He is the gospel that reconciles human beings back to the Lord God of all creation.
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But Satan, because he's cooked up all these versions and strenuous steps and
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self-abasing and sacrificing, everything works to obtain salvation,
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but all of them leave with an emptiness and no guarantee or peaceful assurance
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that they have been accepted by God.
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So this is, you know, a lot of the denominations, they will give you all a big
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list of works to do and church commandments and everything, but they will not
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guarantee, they will not guarantee that this will get you into heaven.
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And I think a lot of people just accept the fact that, well,
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I'll never know for sure because I can't know for sure because the church says I can't know for sure.
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But that is not what the Bible says. The Bible says, yes, you can know with
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the peace of God, the Lord God, you know, walking in relationship with him,
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you can know that you know that you know that God is good and with us.
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So one of the questions then becomes, well, how do I know if I've got the true
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Jesus? How do I know if I got the right one?
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Well, the simplest answer is by his fruit.
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And Jesus said to himself, you shall know something by its fruit,
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whether it's from heaven or hell, because there are only two kingdoms.
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And so by its fruit, if you're not following a Jesus that's compassionate,
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that's forgiving, that's understanding, that's kind, that's gracious.
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If you're not following a Jesus that's going with you through your trials and
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afflictions, you are not following the one true Lamb of God,
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the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
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So you're following some, you know, if the Jesus in your life,
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you imagine him being there with you, standing there, watching over you,
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whatever, and he's not stooping down as the good shepherd and lifting you up
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and carrying out of that briar patch or that pit.
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If you, a lot of people are stuck in their trial because they say,
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yeah, Jesus is, is Jesus with me? Yeah.
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But when they ask what's he doing, he's standing there.
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He is not, that's not what the good shepherd does. When he goes to look for
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that lost little lamb, he is probably, you know, girded his,
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pulled up, girded his loins, and he's trucking through the muck,
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and he's not giving up, and he's going here, he's going there.
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And when he finds that little lamb stuck in the briars or, you know,
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in the pit or terrified orâ He doesn't stand there and hold out his arms.
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Like the paintings. No. And this is the imagination.
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We cast the false Jesus concept of that imagination of the false Jesus onto this situation.
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Our Jesus, the one who died for us, is going to bend down on the ground,
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put his knee on the ground, pull you up out of that place, that pit,
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and rescue you and carry you if he needs to, carry you back to wherever it is
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to get you fixed and restored.
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And so, you know, a lot of times when I'm doing inner healing and counseling
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with people and praying, they'll have some Jesus that will come up.
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And at that, I'll say, what's Jesus doing? And they'll say, he's standing there.
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And then I'll say, I command that Jesus to take off his mask.
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That's just the way I say it. You don't have to say it that way.
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And when I say that, I say to the person, now what is happening?
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And they'll say, I am confused.
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And confusion is not from heaven. Not from God. So therefore,
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you already know that that is a false Jesus.
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And many people are being tormented and bullied and religiously controlled through
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fear through these false Jesuses, whether they come through their denominations
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or they come through an internalization of a false Jesus.
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So, you know, if you're listening to those false Jesuses,
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you will think that this problem,
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this burden that you're carrying is yours to carry because of the argument the
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accuser has made against you to justify what he's doing by getting you to accept
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guilt and agree with him that you deserve to be punished.
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So yes, when you sin, we are guilty of sinning. So what does God say to do?
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Take on more punishment, take on more penalty, take on more penance.
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What does he say? He says, confess your sin.
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Admit it. The word confess means to admit. Admit you're wrong.
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Confess it. Say, God, yeah, you're right, God. I blew it. I listened to a lie. And then repent.
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But if we're just dragging this burden on and on and think that God is mad at
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us, he's disappointed with us, he's testing us, he's punishing us,
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he's teaching us a lesson.
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All of these are concepts, words, thoughts that have been promoted by the enemy of God.
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Their words, the God of this world has attached to those of us who all live
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in the snake pit and attached this to our understanding of the true God to try to pervert that.
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Trying to redefine God according to the personalities of the false savior or a false Jesus.
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So there's two different parts of what happens inside us with, it seems like.
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There's two different extremes. One of them is being really nonchalant and just
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saying, you know, whatever, whatever happens, I know the Lord's with me and
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I just kind of live a loosey-goosey life through that.
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Or the other part is being really neurotic.
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It's like, oh man, I breathed the wrong way and now he's mad at me.
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And some people live in this constant, they're so uptight with Jesus.
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Well, they have a lot of false doctrines. I mean, like for example,
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everybody's, well, the story of Abraham, God is testing Abraham's faith.
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That's not even the truth.
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I mean, God knows everything. And so therefore he cannot be disappointed because
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he already knows And so when you're disappointed, you were expecting something
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you didn't get. So God knows about what's going to happen.
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God does not need to test, therefore test Abraham's faith.
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That's the way it's presented. What really is happening is God's being tested
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by Satan to see if we will believe God or the devil.
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So there's got to be a peace. There's an abiding in Christ.
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Or you just, yeah, it's not that you just are real nonchalant about sin and
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just say, well, whatever, I'll do whatever the Lord understands and all that kind of stuff.
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Sloppy. The other, sloppy, we used to call it sloppy agape.
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But anyway, and then the other part is when you're at that place where you're always so worried.
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Well, maybe I disappointed the Lord. I didn't do it quite right.
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And you're living in this condemnation.
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The Bible says there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who
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walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. So who among you here are just
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enjoying the presence of the Lord?
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Even if you're in a trial. You're in a trial. You know he's there.
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You know he's kind. He's helping you. He's speaking to you because you're one
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of his sheep and you do hear his voice.
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And where you can just live a, like what Watchman Nee called,
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a normal Christian life. We have no idea, for the most part,
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what the normal Christian life is. Because most Christians are struggling,
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as Watchmane said, to get into a room they're already in.
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And they're anxious to get into
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a room they're already in. You're in the presence of God. You're with God.
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Getting closer to God is one of the things we hear people say a lot.
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But you can't get any closer to God. He's already there with you,
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inside of you, and all around you. So what you really need is a revelation of that closeness.
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But Matthew, let's see, 11, 28 says, Jesus says his words, Come to me,
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all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
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Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
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and you will find rest for your souls.
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For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
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So we have to know that many of us are carrying a backpack of burdens and worries
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and problems and situations and fears and anxiety and things that are not,
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it's not our backpack to carry.
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God said it's easy and it's light. He says, I will never test you or tempt you
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above that I am able to keep you.
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But with every temptation, I'll make a way of escape that you're able to bear
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it. That's 1013. I think it's 1 Corinthians.
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And then, so his yoke is easy. He said, I will never leave you. I won't forsake you.
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I'm not going to let the flood or the fire overtake you. I think that's Isaiah 41 and Isaiah 43.
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I am for you. I will carry you. Cast your care upon the Lord.
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He is the good shepherd, seeking that which is lost.
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He leaves the 99 to go after you because he's not willing to give you up.
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He's not willing that one should perish.
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And in Romans chapter 8, after he talks about.
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How do we know? Many people have this question of, well, am I predestined?
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Did God pick some and not others? And all that question.
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In Romans 8, starting with 31, he says, hold on one second.
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He says, what shall we say to these things?
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If God is for us, who can be against us?
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He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all,
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how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
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Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.
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Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is risen,
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also even is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
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Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress
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or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or the sword?
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Yes, yes, yes. We're all under all kinds of heavy-duty pressures right now.
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These are our times of tribulation.
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But as it is written, for your sake, we are killed all day long.
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In other words, the devil wants to kill us. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.
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Yet, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
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The true Jesus, the real Jesus, will not let us be swallowed up or defeated.
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For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels,
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nor principalities, nor powers nor things present or things to come,
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nor height nor depth, nor any other created things shall be able to separate
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us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
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And this is the whole plot and plan of Satan is to make you feel like you are
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separated, like there is no hope for you, like you are on your own.
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Remember, you know, Satan wants to pull us off into his kingdom to deceive us.
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He wants to be God. He wants to be your savior.
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He wants, He knows we love Jesus, we want Jesus, so he's going to fake and pretend
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to be Jesus, false Jesuses, false saviors.
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They come by the dozens and they can do their signs and wonders.
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And remember, that's the last day's warning that Jesus is talking about.
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Jesus, remember, going back to the good shepherd, he is the good shepherd.
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He said, I will never leave you or forsake you. I will not leave you alone.
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If you have the right Jesus, you're going to have the fruits of righteousness,
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peace, joy, forgiveness, confidence in him, not in yourself,
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not in your perfect behavior, but confidence in his love, his forgiveness.
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And you then can come boldly before the throne of grace and mercy to present
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your case, to ask God to help you to restore the things that have been stolen
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from you, including your children.
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And we have lots of materials on that. But so we have to recognize you may be
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giving following, not knowing, but a false Jesus.
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So command that the Jesus that you're looking at and thinking you're following,
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command that spirit, if it's not Jesus Christ, to take off his mask and see what happens.
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And then surrender and say, Lord, forgive me for believing the lies and bring
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to me the understanding of the true Jesus, which his Holy Spirit is in you.
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Even though the false Jesuses are there running around in your life,
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the true Holy Spirit is also there.
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Yeah, that's what Jesus said in John 14, 26 and 27, before he went to the cross.
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He said, but the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
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he will teach you all things and bring to you remembrance all things that I said to you.
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So the Holy Spirit working in you is speaking to you.
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If you're listening, you're listening the words of Jesus, bringing to mind what he has said to you.
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Not only what he has said to you through the Gospels that we read about,
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but what he said to you in your own life, in your own heart.
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And he says in verse 27, peace I leave with you. Yes.
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My peace I give to you.
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Not as the world gives do I give to you, but let not your heart be troubled.
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Neither let it be afraid. So fear and troubling, if those are the fruits of
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the Gospel you're following. then you're following another gospel.
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It's a gospel of peace. That's Jesus. It is a gospel of peace.
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His gospel is a gospel of peace, even though we're in the midst of a terrible, brutal war.
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Father God, we thank you so much for the revelation of Jesus Christ through
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your Holy Spirit as revealed to us through your Holy Spirit, Lord.
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I pray that the sword of your word, which is able to separate even to the dividing
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of bone and marrow, thought and intention, Soul and spirit will separate from
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us, from our concepts, from our minds, our hearts, our thoughts, our wills.
00:28:12.420 --> 00:28:17.040
The false Jesuses, the pretenders, the different gospels, the things that are not yours.
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That is why we're confused. That's
00:28:19.780 --> 00:28:22.560
why we go in circles. That's why we dig ruts. That's why we're stuck.
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So those things are not from heaven. So if you're walking in the place of Jesus
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Christ, it doesn't mean you're going to be trouble-free, but it means you're
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going to be victorious in the midst of and be able to overcome in the midst
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of all the trials and tribulations that Satan is trying to throw in your path.
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So Father God, reveal yourself through the power of your Holy Spirit,
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through the truth of Jesus Christ, this one and only Son of the living God,
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to us, to our minds and hearts, and let that be.
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He, keep our peace, keep us. He is our peace. He is our truth.
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He is our life. He is our salvation. Lord Jesus, we thank you. You are everything.
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Help us now, Son of God, to sort out and be just delivered from the counterfeits,
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those who come for promoting false gospels, false Jesuses, and false spirits,
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Father God, Antichrist spirits, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.
00:29:11.020 --> 00:29:18.040
Margie, tell us about the next intensive, the next Setting Captives Free intensive coming up now.
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It's February 9th through the 15th.
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So this is, for those of you who are in this area, Minnesota,
00:29:27.860 --> 00:29:34.200
thereabouts, some come from further, but we do a six-day Setting Captives We
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address issues of the life-controlling problems, addictions,
00:29:38.580 --> 00:29:39.960
relationship problems,
00:29:40.444 --> 00:29:45.044
mental health issues. And also we invite people who want to learn how to do
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deliverance and inner healing to these camps.
00:29:47.404 --> 00:29:50.404
They're at the Salvation Army, a Northwoods camp.
00:29:50.644 --> 00:29:54.724
And to get your information, get the registration, get yourself set up for a
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spot, just call 612-618-5947 and ask for Jerry.
00:30:01.584 --> 00:30:08.164
That would be 612-618-5947. And the cost is $250.
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And that includes beautiful meals prepared by a chef, not just a cook.
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He's a chef and beautiful lodging.
00:30:16.904 --> 00:30:21.424
And so beautiful environment too, just peace in the Northwoods camp.
00:30:21.624 --> 00:30:26.424
So again, 612-618-5947. We invite you to come.
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If you've been there before, we invite you to take a refresher course.
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We're going to be talking and teaching about the basic foundational principles,
00:30:35.164 --> 00:30:40.704
about the deeper concepts of inner healing and deliverance and also bring people to freedom.
00:30:41.224 --> 00:30:45.324
Also, I'd like to mention, check out on our website,,
00:30:45.504 --> 00:30:49.804
there is a series called The Court of Heaven, Going to the Court of Heaven.
00:30:50.244 --> 00:30:53.524
God on trial? Well, there's God on trial. There's all kinds of things. Oh, yeah.
00:30:53.804 --> 00:30:59.424
Yeah, but get our freedom by presenting our case before the court of heaven.
00:30:59.764 --> 00:31:04.584
So again, be encouraged, be blessed, and we will see you soon. God bless.
00:31:06.484 --> 00:31:08.884
I have an emergency. What is your location?
00:31:10.160 --> 00:31:27.600
00:31:14.384 --> 00:31:16.524
I have an emergency.
00:31:20.464 --> 00:31:22.724
What is your location?
00:31:29.384 --> 00:31:33.364
Rescue Radio. Cause there's a war for your soul.