Isaiah said it well. Pits of despair, lies, caves of fear and confusion have locked up God’s people. It is time to come out of the strongholds Satan has set, the snares of hopelessness.
“But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snar...
Isaiah said it well. Pits of despair, lies, caves of fear and confusion have locked up God’s people. It is time to come out of the strongholds Satan has set, the snares of hopelessness.
“But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses. They are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, “Restore.” (Is. 42:22)
Jesus took our iniquities and bore our sorrows. We can be free because He has set us, whosoever wills and believes in and follows Him is free.
Walk in that freedom though is seems weird and different, and unfamiliar, His freedom is real. Be lifted from the Pit onto the Rock, Christ Jesus. It is not too late to live!
"Because There Is A War For Your Soul"