Are you living in the third kingdom of "I don’t know?" Are you giving passive agreement to the lies of the Liar? Jesus said there are only two kingdoms: God’s and Satan’s.
However, the Enemy sets up the illusion of the third kingdom, which causes us to live in a world where we function in a perpetual state of “I don’t know, or I’m not sure. Satan wants us to make our decisions based upon impulse and appearance. Doubt and confusion are two of the devil’s favorite strategies in trying to defuse and dismantle the believer's authority.
Learn the urgency of discovering how the lie of the third kingdom operates in our lives. Jesus said that by their fruits, we will know them. His instructions only work if there are only two kingdoms.
Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" at Amazon, and you can also check out Marjorie's other books.
"Because There Is A War For Your Soul"