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Jan. 7, 2025

"Speak To The Mountain" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

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RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

Are you caught circling around old habits, stuck in a rut, living your life in passive un-fulfillment,  up against a mountain of resistance and difficulty?

It is time to speak to the mountain, as Jesus told us and move out, into the place of the promise. For the Hebrews, it was going to reclaim the land God had promised to Abraham. For us, it is the Abundant Life, Jesus died to give us.

Getting up and moving out of the rut fear has dug all around us will require that we first identify the traps that hold us, the lies that we believed that led us to sin.

Repentance for believing those lies and surrendering to the guidance of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us is the first step to defeating the mountains in your life.

Join us for words of encouragement and details that will fuel your victory to overcome the mountains in your life.

Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books.

"Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 




00:28 - Opening Prayer

01:29 - Circling or Conquering?

04:32 - The Role of the Holy Spirit

06:19 - Speaking to the Mountains

08:44 - Unforgiveness as a Mountain

10:50 - Understanding Forgiveness

13:06 - Equipping for Battle

16:10 - Maturity in Spiritual Warfare

18:05 - The Revelation of Truth

22:14 - Feeding Your Spiritual Life

24:10 - Overcoming Self-Condemnation

27:49 - The Journey of Growth

29:57 - The Power of Truth

32:24 - Year of Breakthrough

32:54 - Tools for Moving Forward


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Rescue Radio, because there's a war for your soul.

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Father God, we thank you for the revelation of your love, your victory, your truth.

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The battle belongs to you, Lord God. Thy will be done, O God,

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on earth, in and through us, as it's being done and declared in heaven every

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day in our lives, God, that we will move forward in the things that you've called

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us to do with faith and courage and victory.

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Father God, I thank you, Jesus, you did that. You gave us an example of how

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to move forward in the will of the Father, and lay hold of eternal life,

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breaking down the strongholds, the grip of the terrible one,

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releasing the captives, that would be us,

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from the snares of Satan, sin, and death.

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And Father, I thank you now for giving us, you've given us power and authority, victory.

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You said whatever you bind is bound, whatever you loose is loose.

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Thank you, Father, for giving us divine protection and direction,

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Father, that no weapon formed against us will prosper, that no word said,

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deed done, action taken, will be able to be used by the enemy to bring forth

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any shame, trouble, or reproach.

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Oh, God, I pray, give us courage to go forward and to live this life that you've

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given us to live, that you've died to give us to live, Father God. In Jesus' name, amen.

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Well, I've got a question for everybody here today. Okay. Are you circling or conquering?

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Are you circling or are you conquering? Are you going in circles or are you going forward?

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Deuteronomy 1, verse 6, the Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb.

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Is the words of Moses now reviewing with the younger generation the history

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of how the older generation had failed.

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I repeat this again. The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, Deuteronomy 1.6.

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You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.

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Turn and take your journey and go.

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So this is, they were circling. Challenge. God had brought them to this mountain to receive the law.

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We know it as the law of Moses. He brought them there for a purpose. He gave them his word.

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But the word was given to them to go forward to conquer the promised land.

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Right. The ultimate direction was for them to go back and take back their inheritance,

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which was the land of the giants. Their inheritance.

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But basically, God had built them not to go in circles, but to go forward.

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Right, exactly. And there are mountains in our lives that we tend to circle around.

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We stay around them too long. Maybe God had brought them to us.

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We came to those mountains by the will of God. Some mountains we come to not by the will of God.

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But either way, if we're staying around mountains, we're stuck there,

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going in circles for too long. Yeah, I get you.

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And this gets to be familiar to us. It gets to be a comfort,

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kind of a dissatisfaction with being dissatisfied. You're satisfied with being

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dissatisfied, whatever. whatever, you're not really pressing in because it's easier not to.

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It's easier just to sit there and wait for something to come to you.

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It's like anything that's worth pursuing, you have to get up and pursue it,

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whether it's your health.

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You can't sit on the couch and wish that you'd be healthy and exercise.

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You have to go out and do that.

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There has to be some energy and effort and direction and intention in our lives.

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And I think a lot of people lose their intention and direction because it's

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a hard life. It's not easy, and people just, you know, they get tired.

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Well, going in circles, we're not making any progress toward a goal.

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Basically, what we're doing is we're going in circles, returning to the same

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point or the same problem again and again and again. Because we're hooked and trapped and stuck.

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Addicted. It's a frustrating cycle of unproductive repetition.

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Well, I think this is exactly what the devil wants. He wants us to become,

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he actually is in many ways our spiritual counselor because he's working through

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your mind, he's working through your heart, your feelings, your emotions,

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the other people's opinions, fear, to get us to stay in place,

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not challenge ourselves, not step out.

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And the other problem is we're not being led by the Holy Spirit.

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The Holy Spirit does not lead us around in a circle of futility.

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The Holy Spirit is bringing us through a process, and it may feel like you're

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stuck or in a circle, but the Holy Spirit has a purpose to refine us,

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to create in us the image of Jesus Christ, cause us to be more like Him.

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But most people do not check in with the Holy Spirit, I would say,

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very often, if maybe not at all.

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Most of us have routines. We have routines for work, for home,

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church, whatever, like that.

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We've got routines. And it's important to have a routine to get certain things done.

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But oftentimes what happens is we get stuck in those routines,

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and we don't even realize why we're doing it anymore.

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And God, as you mentioned about hearing the voice of the Lord,

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our minds can get so cluttered with, you know. Failure.

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Stresses, frustration, anxieties, the cares of life. And we don't recognize

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them as anything that we need to resist.

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We recognize, we think it's familiar. Oh, that's just, it is what it is.

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That's life. And a lot of us settle with that.

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We resolve every problem. I'm overweight. I should be doing this. I can't do that.

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I want to do that. And we're just selling ourselves short and we're letting the enemy guide us.

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And I don't believe we need to have goals, but we need to have a direction. and we have a destiny.

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And that destiny is not fulfilled necessarily by you and I check on a checklist.

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It's moving forward in the obedience to Jesus Christ. He has a plan for your

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life. It may look random sometimes.

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It may look like it's not going anywhere, but you are not the one determining

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that if you are walking in obedience.

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So I think for this year, I think, I don't know, but it's got to be a choice

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that we're going to choose to lay down our ideas, our futility,

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our circles, and begin to speak to the mountains.

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And that's the second part of being hanging around that mountain.

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Too long in Matthew 21, we see a story that's very interesting,

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and it has to do with mountains.

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And Jesus, you know, he had been, he's heading, it's Passion Week,

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if you will, and he's just gone through the triumphal entry.

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You know, he's riding in on the donkey, everything looks good, great, whatever.

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And then a day or two later, he's going through passings, he was coming to Bethany,

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I think it is, or one of those little towns, and he sees this fig tree,

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and it was in the spring, and those fig trees were supposed to have a little

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yummy sap on them that was starting to form the fig.

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And when he came up to it, there was nothing. He was hungry,

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and there was nothing there.

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So he said, let no one ever eat fruit off of you again, and kept on walking.

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And the next day, they went by the tree again, and the disciples were shocked.

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And they He said, wow, have you seen, did you see what just happened?

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There is no, this whole thing is shriveled up in one day. Usually if something's

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shriveling up, it'll take a couple of weeks or whatever.

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And so Jesus said to them, the disciples saw it, verse 20, and they marveled

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saying, how did the fig tree wither away so soon?

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So Jesus answered and said to them, assuredly, I say to you,

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if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the

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fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, it will be done.

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And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing you will receive.

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And then he said, so this is a challenge, a challenge to say to the mountain

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that's holding you back or the rut or the routine or the trap that you're in,

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to challenge that mountain with.

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Your word and declaring, speak to the mountain and be cast into the seat.

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So the thing that's in your way, whether it's an addiction or a life-controlling

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problem or a bad behavior or whatever it is, we have to be able to speak to

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that thing with courage.

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But unfortunately, the enemy wants to keep us going around in a circle and in

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that vicious circle of whether it's spiritual, physical, financial,

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relational, and just kill us there.

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We die there. Let's talk about the mountain of unforgiveness.

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You know, that's something that gets in, someone has offended us,

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hurt us, whatever, we've taken offense and all that.

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And we have that That unforgiveness in our hearts, and it just kind of stays there.

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We might not realize it's there, but it's there.

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And it's something in our lives we go around and around that way.

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Don't want to deal with it. We don't want to deal with it.

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And it just, you know. Hinders.

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We either have to get rid of the mountain or just leave the mountain, right?

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So let's talk about that for a little

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bit. What about that mountain of unforgiveness that's in so many of us?

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And it leads, unforgiveness leads to bitterness. We take offense, right, first of all.

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It leads to death. We take offense, then we don't forgive, and then it leads

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to bitterness, and bitterness defiles us spiritually, physically.

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Yeah, wrecks our joints.

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Yeah, you know, the thing is, in Mark, we have the same story about the mountain,

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and it does lead into this exact what you're talking about. but he says in Mark

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11, starting with verse 20.

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22, we'll start there. So Jesus answered and said to them, Have faith in God,

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for assuredly I say to you that whoever says to this mountain.

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Be removed and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart,

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and believes that those things which he says will come to pass,

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he will have whatever he says.

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Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray,

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believe that you receive them and you will have them.

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Then he was on to say, And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything

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against anyone, forgive him

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that your father who is in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

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But if you do not forgive, neither will your father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

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And unforgiveness is one of the biggest hindrances to faith.

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So there's doubt, there's double-mindedness, maybe there's also even indifference.

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But when we speak to the mountain, you have to have, you know, a clean heart.

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You have to have a heart that's cleared of unforgiveness and bitterness, like you're saying.

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And I don't think people really understand what forgiveness is.

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And I think I forgave. I hope I forgave. I tried to forgive.

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I forgave her yesterday. She did it again today. I don't know.

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So the thing is, what is forgiveness?

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Do you know? Can we make it simple? People write books on it.

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Can we just make it really simple? What is forgiveness?

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Well, basically, forgiveness is releasing that issue.

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It's not like we recognize there's a crime that's been committed against us,

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but we release the judgment of that to the Lord.

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When we're unforgiving and we're bitter, we think that if we're bitter and we

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don't forgive, they'll be able to get by with it, and we don't want them to get by with it.

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But our unforgiveness and bitterness just basically eats us away.

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And blocks us. It doesn't bring any justice to ourselves or to them.

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Yeah, well, the scary thing is he says, if you don't forgive,

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you're not going to be forgiven.

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Well, we might need forgiveness someday. Oh, yeah. Do we need forgiveness like every day?

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Yeah, because spiritually we're blind.

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A lot of times we are condemning and judging someone for the exact same thing

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that we're doing, but we don't see it in us.

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You know, we don't see it in us. We're spiritually blind that way,

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and every man thinks what he does is right in his own eyes, and so therefore

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we're a little bit deceived on that.

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But again, going back to forgiveness like exactly what you said,

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we're releasing forgiveness.

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The crime over to the righteous judge, and we're letting him be the judge to make it right.

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Not necessarily fair, but right. Right is not always fair, and fair is not always

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right, but because many times, that's the devil's justice.

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You punch out my eye, I get to punch out your eye. But the Lord's justice is not that.

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The Lord's justice is tempered with mercy and with his wisdom and understanding.

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Yeah, and the Lord said, you know, bless those who persecute you, bless and curse not.

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And he says to do good to those who persecute you, you know,

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love them, forgive them, show mercy to them.

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So being, we're speaking to a mountain, we have to be equipped, ready.

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Geared up in our armor, knowing the truth and with confidence speaking to the

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mountain, knowing that you don't have guilt in your heart because you're holding

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a grudge or resentment, because that will hold you back from faith.

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That will hold you back from the answer. So God says, clear the deck.

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If you're going to speak to the mountain, speak with integrity.

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Speak knowing who you are, speak knowing I am good, speak according to my will.

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And the Bible says in 1 John, I think it's chapter five, he says,

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if we ask anything according to his will, we know that he hears us.

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And if we know that he hears us, we know that we have the thing that we've asked of him.

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And this, and ask whatever you will, So, you know, these are big blank check

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statements about faith, you know,

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and, you know, yet people do not use this, these many wonderful opportunities

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to move forward in their life because they're afraid, because it never,

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they've never seen it before.

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It, you know, they don't see how it can work. We're trying in our minds to figure

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out what God is doing in his.

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And if we have the mind of Christ, we're there, but we have to let the Lord

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God have his way in our life. And I think this is where we, first of all,

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speaking to a mountain, the first thing we have to do is recognize that we cannot do it ourselves.

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You know, you can, most people do this. They see the mountain and they get out

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their bulldozer, or they get out, they hire someone to take out a chunk of the

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mountain, or they get out their teaspoon and they say, work away at it.

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But this is not what God has called us to do. God has called us to speak to

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the mountains, speak to the demons, speak to the strongholds,

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speak to the spirits, because most of the mountains in your life are not.

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Physical mountains. They are strategies the enemy has set up against you to

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try to entrap you and destroy you.

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So our spiritual power is coming from what Jesus said in Luke chapter 19,

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I mean 10, 19, I give you power and authority over all the power of the enemy

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and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

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So speaking to the mountain says, I am going to bind this spirit that's hindering,

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that's blocking, and I'm going to loose the power of God, the will of God over

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this mountain and the will of God is for your freedom.

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The will of God is for you to know the truth and be victorious.

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And again, the enemy wants to keep us going in circles, not making progress,

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not moving into what the Lord has.

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The Lord has so much for us.

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And it's not just a pie in the sky, by and by.

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So the context here, what we read in Deuteronomy 1, verse 6,

00:15:39.207 --> 00:15:42.907
was God said, okay, I've prepared this land for you.

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I've prepared a good place where you can live and you can possess,

00:15:47.067 --> 00:15:48.547
you can enjoy your family.

00:15:48.747 --> 00:15:52.567
You can live in relationship with me. I will strengthen you.

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I will help you. I will bring you into health, good health, all that stuff.

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God said, I've prepared you for this. I want you to have this,

00:16:02.747 --> 00:16:05.247
but you have to go in and take it.

00:16:05.507 --> 00:16:10.187
You have to go in and take it. And I will give it to you. I will fight for you.

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I will do this because these mountains, you know, we can speak to these mountains,

00:16:15.507 --> 00:16:20.627
but it's the Lord really is the one that removes them. Not by might, not by power.

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But he works with us to accomplish these deliverances. I think one of the problems

00:16:27.607 --> 00:16:29.647
is that we're spiritually very immature.

00:16:30.127 --> 00:16:34.587
I think of the passages in Jeremiah chapter 5 where he's, you know,

00:16:34.707 --> 00:16:39.407
talking to the king, talking to the people. they're about to go into captivity, and he says...

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Let's see. For my people, this is chapter 4, verse 22.

00:16:46.619 --> 00:16:50.359
For my people are foolish. They have not known me. They are silly children.

00:16:50.479 --> 00:16:51.919
They have no understanding.

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They are wise to do evil, but to do good, they have no knowledge.

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So what is happening is we're like children. We're not mature in the Lord.

00:17:00.279 --> 00:17:03.399
We're not grounded in the Lord. We're not confident in the Lord. We don't know his word.

00:17:03.999 --> 00:17:07.559
Ezekiel says, son of man, you live in the midst of a rebellious house.

00:17:08.079 --> 00:17:12.379
Having eyes they do not see, having ears they do not hear, for you live in the

00:17:12.379 --> 00:17:13.799
midst of a rebellious house.

00:17:13.899 --> 00:17:18.139
So rebellion closes our eyes and our ears so we don't get our direction from God.

00:17:18.259 --> 00:17:20.999
We aren't confident in what He's saying to do. We're afraid.

00:17:21.239 --> 00:17:24.979
We're just ready to just—we're going to be silly. And children are easily distracted.

00:17:25.339 --> 00:17:28.639
I mean, you can set them on some, you know, task, even in the kitchen,

00:17:28.799 --> 00:17:32.059
some simple little straightforward, okay, you know, do this, this, and this.

00:17:32.379 --> 00:17:35.959
And before you know it, they're off doing something exactly different than that.

00:17:36.179 --> 00:17:40.279
And that's the way we are. We're children who don't seem to keep our focus,

00:17:40.279 --> 00:17:44.459
and we're easily—a butterfly flies by, a squirrel goes down the road.

00:17:44.599 --> 00:17:48.419
I mean, we're just not staying in that place of focus.

00:17:48.499 --> 00:17:51.259
And I think what we need to ask the Lord to do, ask the Lord,

00:17:51.599 --> 00:17:53.099
Holy Spirit, hold my focus.

00:17:53.679 --> 00:17:58.139
Keep me, you know, focus follows through and finish what God is calling you to do.

00:17:58.639 --> 00:18:05.919
And so remember, He wants us to grow up, not to remain as children, but take on the war.

00:18:05.919 --> 00:18:11.519
This is children play, and God doesn't want us not to be happy and joyful like

00:18:11.519 --> 00:18:13.459
children, but he also says, you know,

00:18:13.739 --> 00:18:18.439
here's your weapons, here's your armor, here's the plan, here's the strategy,

00:18:18.659 --> 00:18:21.379
here's the war. And really it takes a revelation.

00:18:21.759 --> 00:18:27.119
And what a revelation is, it's like, you could call it a moment where all of

00:18:27.119 --> 00:18:31.019
a sudden your eyes are open and you see things and you come to an understanding

00:18:31.019 --> 00:18:33.759
of certain things. I just think of the.

00:18:34.753 --> 00:18:40.833
The prodigal son, when he was in the pig pen, finally, it says he came to himself,

00:18:40.873 --> 00:18:44.513
and he realized, what am I doing here?

00:18:44.733 --> 00:18:48.273
I could go to my father's house, and he's got plenty of food,

00:18:48.293 --> 00:18:49.813
and I'm here starving to death.

00:18:50.073 --> 00:18:52.153
He just woke up, and he said, okay.

00:18:53.293 --> 00:18:57.153
He said, what am I doing here? Right. I don't like to be here.

00:18:57.213 --> 00:18:59.533
I don't want to be here. I'm going to my father's house.

00:18:59.873 --> 00:19:03.193
And he took action. Well, he humbled himself. He said, you know,

00:19:03.373 --> 00:19:09.713
I'm sure that I don't belong in the main house anymore, but I'm willing to live in the bunkhouse.

00:19:09.853 --> 00:19:14.353
So he was surrendering his pride, his arrogance, his error.

00:19:14.573 --> 00:19:17.393
He was repenting. And that's another thing.

00:19:17.553 --> 00:19:21.093
You identify the problem, the lie that you believe.

00:19:21.193 --> 00:19:25.773
Identify the lie and then confess the sin that came out of believing the lie.

00:19:25.773 --> 00:19:32.773
And then bring the trouble to the Lord God, whether it's you're living in a pig pen somewhere.

00:19:33.013 --> 00:19:37.073
You're not created by God to eat with the hogs. You're not created by God to

00:19:37.073 --> 00:19:42.713
be abused and misused and used for other people's pleasure.

00:19:43.273 --> 00:19:48.693
You're here to be created to bring God glory and to live the life he died to give you.

00:19:48.773 --> 00:19:51.633
So some of you, if you're entrapped in situations relationally,

00:19:52.093 --> 00:19:55.813
whether it's a job, a boss, a wife, a husband, whatever it is,

00:19:55.953 --> 00:19:58.593
there might be some changes that God wants to make.

00:19:58.753 --> 00:20:03.113
And, you know, they're mountains and you can't make those changes without him.

00:20:03.333 --> 00:20:06.813
So I would say the first thing I would do is humble myself, surrender to God,

00:20:07.113 --> 00:20:12.593
confess your own sin of believing the lie that I could do this myself or whatever it is.

00:20:12.773 --> 00:20:19.033
Forgive that person, that situation, bring it to God, and then allow God to

00:20:19.033 --> 00:20:24.453
just begin to move in your life so that you don't get stuck in the same old rut over and over again.

00:20:24.553 --> 00:20:28.173
Because when we guide ourselves, the rut is really what's controlling you.

00:20:28.293 --> 00:20:30.053
The routine is what's controlling you.

00:20:30.233 --> 00:20:33.553
It's not any force from above.

00:20:35.693 --> 00:20:40.753
It keeps the car tire in the rut, and it's guiding the car whether the car doesn't like the rut or not.

00:20:40.953 --> 00:20:43.473
You've got to, and the deeper it is, the harder it is to get out.

00:20:43.653 --> 00:20:47.573
So sometimes you need help to get out, but we need God to set us free.

00:20:47.673 --> 00:20:49.193
That's what it means to be set free.

00:20:49.553 --> 00:20:52.633
That means to surrender, recognize what's been going on in your life.

00:20:53.113 --> 00:20:56.413
And that aha moment where the son,

00:20:56.533 --> 00:21:00.293
the prodigal son came to himself and he recognized a couple of things.

00:21:00.433 --> 00:21:05.153
He recognized, number one, I don't like it here. Number two, I am hungry here.

00:21:05.393 --> 00:21:07.493
Number three, I don't want to stay here.

00:21:07.873 --> 00:21:09.893
Number four, wait a minute, wait, wait.

00:21:13.157 --> 00:21:16.697
And, you know, I think he'd let me come back on board as even a hired hand and

00:21:16.697 --> 00:21:19.377
I'd be better off there in the bunkhouse.

00:21:19.397 --> 00:21:21.897
So he began to have some revelations.

00:21:22.017 --> 00:21:25.397
And it was also interesting that in that story, no one gave him anything.

00:21:25.577 --> 00:21:29.337
No one enabled him to stay in that spot. No one gave him, brought him supper

00:21:29.337 --> 00:21:32.817
or brought him McDonald's or Hardee's to sustain himself.

00:21:33.117 --> 00:21:37.957
There was pain in that revelation. There's pain in that pit with those pigs, pain.

00:21:38.097 --> 00:21:41.857
And the pain was actually a good thing because it motivated him to get out of there.

00:21:42.017 --> 00:21:45.297
So if you're in enough pain, you might cry out to God.

00:21:45.857 --> 00:21:50.917
Too many of us, though, we run off to some other supplement or some other temporary

00:21:50.917 --> 00:21:54.657
fix or some other euphoric enhancements, whatever you want to do.

00:21:54.937 --> 00:21:58.497
And we missed the whole point of true life.

00:21:58.857 --> 00:22:01.697
The true life is the life we live. And it's full of suffering.

00:22:01.857 --> 00:22:05.517
It's full of great things. It's full of beauty. It's full of victory.

00:22:05.697 --> 00:22:08.977
But you don't get it living and sleeping on the couch.

00:22:09.137 --> 00:22:14.557
You don't get it just kicking the stone down the road. You get it by pursuing the Lord.

00:22:14.677 --> 00:22:19.417
And the first thing, if you really want to start right, is start reading the Bible.

00:22:19.557 --> 00:22:22.597
Most people, believe it or not, have most problems in their life because they

00:22:22.597 --> 00:22:25.417
don't even look at the Bible or they read it sporadically, if at all.

00:22:25.557 --> 00:22:30.797
And it's like food. It's like food. If you had to live on one meal a month,

00:22:31.117 --> 00:22:35.857
you read your Bible one time a month, maybe for 15 minutes, You lived on that

00:22:35.857 --> 00:22:37.797
meal for 30 days, 31 days.

00:22:37.977 --> 00:22:40.797
How would your body be doing? You would not be doing well.

00:22:41.057 --> 00:22:44.557
Your spiritual man, your soul, also needs to be fed.

00:22:44.677 --> 00:22:50.077
And you can't do that by living on one 15-minute devotional, you know, one snack.

00:22:50.257 --> 00:22:54.817
Or one sermon per week on the internet or church.

00:22:54.997 --> 00:22:57.357
A sermon is someone else's regurgitated revelation.

00:22:57.757 --> 00:23:03.217
You need to get your own revelations from Jesus Christ by sitting, talking to him.

00:23:03.277 --> 00:23:06.437
You know what? the Holy Spirit's inside of you and you can have a conversation with him.

00:23:06.847 --> 00:23:08.887
You can say, you know, Lord, I don't know what to do right now.

00:23:08.967 --> 00:23:10.287
Holy Spirit, what do we do?

00:23:10.447 --> 00:23:14.127
Holy Spirit, help me do this. Holy Spirit, you know, He's right there to help

00:23:14.127 --> 00:23:16.607
you. And most of us, for most of us, He just sits there and twiddles His thumbs.

00:23:16.847 --> 00:23:20.307
And He is the power, dynamic power source that you never turn on,

00:23:20.487 --> 00:23:24.307
you never look to, you never turn to because I've got this. I'll take care of

00:23:24.307 --> 00:23:26.007
this. I don't care. It doesn't matter.

00:23:26.227 --> 00:23:29.407
It is what it is. And all this garbage that just averts you,

00:23:29.947 --> 00:23:31.847
diverts you, distracts you from

00:23:31.847 --> 00:23:35.347
tapping into the power source of the Lord God who lives inside of you.

00:23:35.347 --> 00:23:40.387
What about this mountain of self-condemnation of people that feel that I am

00:23:40.387 --> 00:23:49.587
so unworthy, they live haunted by the failures or perceived failures in their lives in the past.

00:23:50.347 --> 00:23:53.967
Self-condemnation, I'm just not worth anything. You know what? That's all vanity.

00:23:54.187 --> 00:23:57.467
That's all. It's all about me. I'm so good or I'm so bad.

00:23:57.607 --> 00:24:02.267
I'm so wonderful or I'm so terrible. And it's all vanity because it's not,

00:24:02.407 --> 00:24:05.027
you know, that's not what your life is. And did God say that?

00:24:05.347 --> 00:24:08.327
You're so bad that I can't even stand to look at you. No, he says,

00:24:08.447 --> 00:24:10.387
you're so precious, I'm going to die for you.

00:24:10.507 --> 00:24:14.287
And so when you start entertaining, I can't do this, I'm no good,

00:24:14.667 --> 00:24:20.887
self-kind of, which, by the way, we have almost all been programmed to believe.

00:24:21.207 --> 00:24:25.207
Programmed from the words spoken over you by those who raised you,

00:24:25.427 --> 00:24:29.227
the circumstances you were in going to school, your attempts to make a place

00:24:29.227 --> 00:24:33.447
in your world for yourself, build a home, get married, go to school,

00:24:33.547 --> 00:24:35.647
whatever. all the ways that Satan...

00:24:36.437 --> 00:24:42.877
Creates failure, futility, and frustration. Then he brings it back around and says, it's you.

00:24:42.997 --> 00:24:45.277
You should have. You need to. It's your fault.

00:24:45.457 --> 00:24:49.097
And we don't recognize that self-talk as demonic.

00:24:49.517 --> 00:24:56.257
We think it's us. And you need to learn two little words when this stuff starts

00:24:56.257 --> 00:24:59.117
messing with your head, your mind, your heart, your soul, your relationships,

00:24:59.157 --> 00:25:01.117
your mouth. You need to say, shut up.

00:25:01.417 --> 00:25:04.897
Shut up, self-condemnation. Shut up, self-rejection. Shut up,

00:25:05.017 --> 00:25:06.897
self-hatred. Shut up, suicide.

00:25:07.237 --> 00:25:11.597
Shut up and go to hell. Because you know what? You have the authority to do that.

00:25:11.677 --> 00:25:14.717
But the problem is you don't know you have the authority and you don't even

00:25:14.717 --> 00:25:15.617
know you have the problem.

00:25:15.817 --> 00:25:19.317
Because the problem is eating away at us, eating away at your confidence,

00:25:19.537 --> 00:25:23.797
eating away at your identity, and you don't realize how much it's been.

00:25:24.057 --> 00:25:27.557
The enemy's trying to erode you and separate you from the true identity of who you really are.

00:25:27.897 --> 00:25:31.057
Yeah, that's another mountain is that we don't.

00:25:31.977 --> 00:25:36.337
We judge, we establish our identity by what other people say about us,

00:25:36.417 --> 00:25:44.337
what we think about us, what we think about us, our performance level or perceived performance level.

00:25:44.657 --> 00:25:53.857
So we have this idea that if we don't understand the depth of how our identity

00:25:53.857 --> 00:25:59.337
corrupts our lives, our perception of our identity corrupts our lives.

00:25:59.437 --> 00:26:07.057
So to find our true identity as believers in Jesus, Christ as created in the

00:26:07.057 --> 00:26:08.417
likeness and image of God.

00:26:09.179 --> 00:26:14.219
We have to, as you have been saying, we find that out through the Word of God.

00:26:14.379 --> 00:26:18.659
Well, you know, the thing is, too, a lot of people think their identity is in

00:26:18.659 --> 00:26:24.119
being perfect in the Word of God, being perfect little saints. But you know what?

00:26:24.579 --> 00:26:28.519
A lot of the saints in the Bible were not perfect. If you read carefully,

00:26:28.679 --> 00:26:32.239
they all had flaws. They did stupid things. They were full of fear.

00:26:32.659 --> 00:26:38.199
They got tricked. They got set up a lot of times. And so we think, okay, I missed it now.

00:26:38.319 --> 00:26:41.619
I blew it. I broke this commandment, that commandment. I didn't do it right.

00:26:41.819 --> 00:26:44.979
Now God is mad at me. That is a lie.

00:26:45.339 --> 00:26:49.079
God is not disappointed with you. God is not even mad at you because God already

00:26:49.079 --> 00:26:53.859
knew from the foundation of the world, your path and where the devil would try

00:26:53.859 --> 00:26:55.679
to ambush you and what he would try to do to you.

00:26:55.839 --> 00:26:58.899
And so God is not surprised when the devil knocks you down the road.

00:26:59.379 --> 00:27:02.239
God just says, you want to look to me and let's get up and keep going because

00:27:02.239 --> 00:27:06.419
this is a walk, a journey that Jesus Christ wants to walk with you,

00:27:06.559 --> 00:27:09.779
carry you from time to time if you need carrying, but walk with you.

00:27:09.979 --> 00:27:13.279
And so many times, I've got to be perfect to make God happy.

00:27:13.599 --> 00:27:17.199
And that's that religious lie that I've got to earn my way to heaven.

00:27:17.219 --> 00:27:19.799
I've got to be perfect. I keep all the commandments perfectly.

00:27:20.239 --> 00:27:23.819
And even the rich young ruler that came to Jesus, he kept them all perfectly.

00:27:23.979 --> 00:27:25.639
And Jesus said, you're still missing one.

00:27:25.859 --> 00:27:30.579
And that was his attitude, his attitude of being willing to sell all that he

00:27:30.579 --> 00:27:31.639
had and come follow Jesus.

00:27:31.879 --> 00:27:35.319
So you're not the one perfecting that which concerns you.

00:27:35.619 --> 00:27:40.399
That's Psalm 138.8. It is Him, the Spirit of God in us that perfects that which concerns us.

00:27:40.559 --> 00:27:44.339
So stop being so nitpicky about yourself. If you fall down, get up.

00:27:44.675 --> 00:27:46.895
If you were riding your bike for the first time, you fall down,

00:27:46.975 --> 00:27:49.315
you get up, you fall off a horse, you get up back, get up on the horse.

00:27:49.415 --> 00:27:52.615
You know what? Get up and start living your life.

00:27:53.895 --> 00:27:58.015
The guy who hid his talent in the sand is the one God got mad at.

00:27:58.335 --> 00:28:02.395
He was afraid he was going to lose it, afraid he was going to mess up.

00:28:02.595 --> 00:28:05.795
And so he was the only one God scolded.

00:28:07.335 --> 00:28:12.455
He was focused on self-preservation. Well, and making sure nothing happened

00:28:12.455 --> 00:28:14.635
to that little talent he had, whatever.

00:28:14.815 --> 00:28:17.295
And so he squandered it and buried it in the sand.

00:28:18.155 --> 00:28:21.355
And he was afraid of failure, afraid of getting scolded, afraid of doing it

00:28:21.355 --> 00:28:24.355
wrong, afraid of messing up. Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. Yep,

00:28:24.375 --> 00:28:25.835
yep, yep. And so perfect love.

00:28:26.075 --> 00:28:31.335
Perfect love. Cast out. What does that mean, perfect love? That means if I am

00:28:31.335 --> 00:28:33.555
in the perfect love of God, I know he loves me. I'm not perfect.

00:28:33.795 --> 00:28:36.235
Maybe I'm already messed up once or twice or five, six, seven,

00:28:36.435 --> 00:28:38.895
12 times today. but I know that God loves me.

00:28:39.035 --> 00:28:41.075
And I come back to him and I say, God, you know what? I messed up.

00:28:41.175 --> 00:28:42.695
Jesus, forgive me. Holy Spirit, help me.

00:28:43.295 --> 00:28:47.855
Keep the accounts and the accusations short. Don't let the devil come in and

00:28:47.855 --> 00:28:52.895
dump a load of crap on your head and make you feel like you've got to dig yourself out from under it.

00:28:53.395 --> 00:28:58.335
Rebuke the enemy, rebuke the lies, rebuke the words, and forgive the people

00:28:58.335 --> 00:29:02.695
who said them, bring it to God, and then just keep going.

00:29:02.935 --> 00:29:08.675
And again, back to the word of God, You have to be refreshed in the Word of God every day.

00:29:09.015 --> 00:29:11.975
It's almost a requirement for life down here on the planet now.

00:29:12.115 --> 00:29:16.475
What about things, there are things that we put up with too long.

00:29:17.191 --> 00:29:21.731
Get used to them, ruts. We get used to it. We get used to certain things,

00:29:22.411 --> 00:29:23.851
certain habits, certain ideas.

00:29:24.151 --> 00:29:26.391
That would be called we get used to jail. It is what it is. We get used to ruts.

00:29:26.491 --> 00:29:28.071
We get used to pits. We get used to addiction.

00:29:28.391 --> 00:29:32.351
We get used to bondage. We get used to alcohol or meth or whatever it is.

00:29:32.471 --> 00:29:35.351
We get used to it and we think there's no way out. We get used to being gaslit.

00:29:35.451 --> 00:29:38.271
We get used to being yelled at. We get used to being controlled.

00:29:38.491 --> 00:29:42.631
And the problem is for most of us, when we're being gaslit or controlled,

00:29:42.631 --> 00:29:45.891
we don't even recognize that we're being stolen from.

00:29:45.891 --> 00:29:50.671
We don't even realize that the other person is pulling one over on us and using

00:29:50.671 --> 00:29:55.911
us for their advantage, for their situation to be advantaged.

00:29:57.131 --> 00:30:00.811
And again, the only one who can set us free, whom the Son sets free,

00:30:00.871 --> 00:30:03.631
is free indeed. He says, you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

00:30:03.711 --> 00:30:07.931
So the truth is the thing that we need to look forward to and keep asking,

00:30:08.171 --> 00:30:10.071
Holy Spirit, show me the truth. What is the truth?

00:30:10.351 --> 00:30:14.251
The truth is you're not horrible. The truth is you're worth dying for.

00:30:14.251 --> 00:30:16.271
The truth is there's still hope in your life.

00:30:16.371 --> 00:30:19.911
The truth is you have talents that God wants to use to bless other people.

00:30:20.011 --> 00:30:21.431
The truth is you can follow Jesus.

00:30:21.571 --> 00:30:24.871
The truth is it's not impossible because everything you're struggling with right

00:30:24.871 --> 00:30:31.711
now is God's problem because God is with you, in you, and he is the one who is taking the test.

00:30:31.851 --> 00:30:34.351
Believe it or not, you think you're being tested by God. No, no, no.

00:30:35.231 --> 00:30:38.271
The God of the universe is being tested by the devil.

00:30:38.571 --> 00:30:42.251
The devil is trying to see if he can break us away from God and prove to God

00:30:42.251 --> 00:30:44.691
that God cannot keep us. So that's the whole challenge.

00:30:44.851 --> 00:30:49.831
If God is able to keep you, so does God pass his test? Yes. Is God able to keep you? Yes.

00:30:50.131 --> 00:30:53.131
Do you feel like you're being kept? Maybe not. But what is the truth?

00:30:53.251 --> 00:30:55.411
The truth is that God never, Jesus never fails.

00:30:55.591 --> 00:31:00.691
Love never fails. So get back on your horse and claim this year for God.

00:31:01.271 --> 00:31:03.731
Begin to ride in the truth.

00:31:04.371 --> 00:31:07.651
Desire the truth. You are built to love the truth. You're built to love justice

00:31:07.651 --> 00:31:09.051
and truth, righteousness, mercy.

00:31:09.331 --> 00:31:15.231
And so live in accordance and in integrity, in with integrity according to who you are.

00:31:15.411 --> 00:31:20.511
God made us to know the truth, love the truth, love justice,

00:31:20.851 --> 00:31:23.111
love mercy, love goodness. That's who we are.

00:31:23.531 --> 00:31:30.651
Psalm 46, verse 10, be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations.

00:31:31.604 --> 00:31:35.604
I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us.

00:31:36.104 --> 00:31:39.864
The God of Jacob is our refuge, Selah.

00:31:40.244 --> 00:31:44.064
Being still and know that he is God. Every present help in time of trouble.

00:31:44.284 --> 00:31:49.084
And at the same time, there's a time where we're still and we know that he is

00:31:49.084 --> 00:31:50.684
God. There's a rest in the Lord.

00:31:51.004 --> 00:31:54.864
But his call is, yeah, there's a time to stand and be still.

00:31:55.264 --> 00:31:59.224
But in those moments, he is speaking us to go forward.

00:31:59.824 --> 00:32:03.044
There's always a forward move that he has for us.

00:32:03.164 --> 00:32:08.244
Even when we're standing still and hearing his voice, he's taking us forward.

00:32:08.544 --> 00:32:16.004
It seems like everything maybe was stalemated, but he's there to move us forward.

00:32:16.264 --> 00:32:18.664
He doesn't want us going in circles.

00:32:19.344 --> 00:32:24.744
He wants us to move forward into all the good things that he has for us.

00:32:24.784 --> 00:32:27.604
And Father God, we declare that this is the year of the breakthrough.

00:32:27.884 --> 00:32:31.444
This is the year of freedom. This is the year of restoration of all the things

00:32:31.444 --> 00:32:35.244
that have been stolen from all of us, relationships, finances,

00:32:35.464 --> 00:32:38.324
blessings, confidence, life, breath, health.

00:32:39.064 --> 00:32:42.104
Restoration, Father, we speak restoration today over all the people who are

00:32:42.104 --> 00:32:46.324
listening and breakthroughs in their lives that will bring them to a place of

00:32:46.324 --> 00:32:47.664
joy, strength, and freedom.

00:32:47.984 --> 00:32:52.164
Father God, we ask these things now in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.

00:32:54.184 --> 00:32:59.624
You've got some materials that will help people go forward. These are tools, right?

00:33:00.864 --> 00:33:04.024
Weapons that can be in your hands. Lots of good weapons.

00:33:04.044 --> 00:33:08.284
If you check out the website, liferecovery.com, there's all kinds of books,

00:33:08.684 --> 00:33:13.464
manuals, MP3s, downloads, even the radio shows are there.

00:33:14.744 --> 00:33:17.344
There's so many. I don't even know which one to tell you. I'm just the one I'm

00:33:17.344 --> 00:33:21.204
kind of thinking about. When Life's Not Fair, when Life's Not Fair is an MP3.

00:33:21.364 --> 00:33:26.124
I think it's a 60-minute talk about injustices when things aren't fair,

00:33:26.124 --> 00:33:28.844
when it's hard to forgive because things aren't fair.

00:33:29.124 --> 00:33:32.744
And I know we didn't talk about that so much today, but I think that's a stumbling

00:33:32.744 --> 00:33:36.184
block to a lot of people. It's a mountain when there's so much injustice.

00:33:36.524 --> 00:33:38.864
Injustice. Yeah. So check that out

00:33:38.864 --> 00:33:41.904
or check out Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life.

00:33:42.224 --> 00:33:47.464
It's a great read. I know that people who read it will be delivered.

00:33:47.624 --> 00:33:53.744
They'll get some new information that will help them fight more skillfully in this war against Satan.

00:33:54.124 --> 00:34:00.264
And so God bless you. and have a day, a decent and restful overcoming,

00:34:00.604 --> 00:34:04.584
a day of overcoming and victory in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.

00:34:06.364 --> 00:34:08.704
I have an emergency. What is your location?

00:34:09.520 --> 00:34:26.960

00:34:11.344 --> 00:34:11.804

00:34:25.544 --> 00:34:26.684
Three, two, one.