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Always an amazing word!
I listen to Marjorie every day on my run or in the car! I’ve watched most of her videos on YouTube as well! (More than once!) Her teaching is anointed by Lord and always backed up by the word of God. I am thankful to have come across her ministry! I have learned so much from her teachings. If u are needing wisdom or prayer there is also an option to meet with her on FaceTime or skype! She’s an amazing woman of God who walks in the authority of the Lord!

What a blessing!
A new friend who was married by Pastor Jerry told me about this ministry, and it has been a huge blessing in my life. I have been earnestly praying and seeking God’s will in my life. Imagine my surprise at Him sending a much younger couple (10+ years) all the way from Minnesota to Arizona to speak life into my marriage. This show is one of those ways. God is faithful!!

Thank you!
Marjorie and Jerry, Thank you for sharing the Word of Jesus thru your ministry and this podcast. I am looking forward to listening to more episodes and walking my faith journey with you as my new friends in Jesus Christ. May God continue to speak thru you! Amen Amen!