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Aug. 31, 2021

RESCUE RADIO: ”Spirit Of Divination” with Marjorie Cole

RESCUE RADIO: ”Spirit Of Divination” with Marjorie Cole

Spirits of sorcery and divination are pervasive in our world today, even in “the church”. Jesus warned us about their powers to deceive. How do we clearly recognize these spirits and what do we do when we discern their activities?
"Because There Is ...

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RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole
Spirits of sorcery and divination are pervasive in our world today, even in “the church”. Jesus warned us about their powers to deceive. How do we clearly recognize these spirits and what do we do when we discern their activities?

"Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 

Also check out Marjorie Cole’s book “Cravings”. www.LifeRecovery.com