We are laborers together with God. He planned salvation to be a joint effort. He would supply the Plan and make sure all things would end up being judged according to truth. Jesus was the Savior Who initiated the Plan and reopened the portal for us t...
We are laborers together with God. He planned salvation to be a joint effort. He would supply the Plan and make sure all things would end up being judged according to truth. Jesus was the Savior Who initiated the Plan and reopened the portal for us to be reconciled back to the Father and to our true identity.
Then comes us, the ones who are called to bring the good news of salvation to others. We have been called to work in the harvest field of souls as Ambassadors from the Kingdom of God to reconcile men back to the truth of who God is and who we are. God has included us in His Plan. He has given us a privileged place of investing our lives back into the Kingdom of God.
God has made Himself vulnerable to us believing in Him and His love in order for His Plan to work. This is amazing! Most people completely miss this opportunity to labor together with the Father and the Son to bring in the Harvest and defeat the devil once and for all! Look all around you, the work, the harvest is all around you, ripe and ready. Don't miss it, or this opportunity God has set before you.
Check out "Eating To Live or Living To Eat?" at the Life Recovery Store.
"Because There Is A War For Your Soul"