What was He thinking? Didn't He know all the bad things that were going to happen in carrying out His plan to save the world? Yes, He already knew the world would degenerate into darkness and depravity. He knew He would have to give some of them up t...
What was He thinking? Didn't He know all the bad things that were going to happen in carrying out His plan to save the world? Yes, He already knew the world would degenerate into darkness and depravity. He knew He would have to give some of them up to uncleanness. He knew about the war and that the church would be mixed with error and deception. He knew we would all be lost and need to be found.
None of this shocks Him. The message is still the same. His Word is still relevant and we still have the same opportunities to follow Him and experience His love and power as those who lived before us. He has given us the map, the Word of God. It will lead us out of this mess and into the fulness of His promises if we continue to follow Him.
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"Because There Is A War For Your Soul"