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Rescue Radio, because there's a war for your soul.
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Yes, indeed, Father God. We know the war has been here ever since the beginning.
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But you have defeated our enemy even through Jesus Christ. And thank you,
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Lord, for dying on the cross for us.
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Thank you for coming, fulfilling your promises to all of us, Lord God.
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And we thank you for this time where we can refresh, be refreshed in the power
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and the truth of your mercy, your love, your ever-present presence with us,
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Father, in the form of peace and goodwill.
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And we thank you now for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear and heart to
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receive the revelation of your love for us, that we won't just dash through
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this season just to get it over with and then be empty at the end.
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Let us be filled with the, reminding us, be filled with the promises of God
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and of your return, Lord Jesus, and of the hope that you've given us,
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even as you gave us and sent it to the shepherds through the angels the first time.
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So give us eyes to see that, Lord, and give us a heart to rest.
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We bind every spirit of confusion, anxiety, disruption, Father,
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anything we would try to do in our personal lives or in this time to try to
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waylay the purposes of God.
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And we thank you for keeping your promises to us, Father God, in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Well, I'm thinking in these days when things are so in upheaval,
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transitions and turmoil in the world and in our minds, in our hearts,
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that it is time to remember mercy.
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And I really believe this is a time of mercy. I think God is sending a gift
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of mercy again to refresh his people like he did when he sent Jesus Christ to Bethlehem.
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And so, you know, we don't always think about the power of that message.
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We have to realize that in context, these people were just as beaten down,
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just as overrun, just as abused, just as disenfranchised as any one of us would ever have experienced.
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So one of the things that we have to realize is that when the angel appeared
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to Mary, when the angel appeared to Mary,
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it was after many years of this exiling and thwarting and trouble to the people of Israel.
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Well, the promises of a Messiah, of a Savior, of redemption.
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Had been given all through the Old Testament, you know, from Genesis 3.15,
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the Bible. God said that the...
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Seed of the woman was going to crush the head of the serpent.
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And then that prophecy was articulated, repeated.
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It's a thread. The Bible calls it, well, we call it the scarlet thread,
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thread of redemption that's all through the prophets. It's all through the Psalms.
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It's all through the scripture leading up to the time that we're going to be talking about today.
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It's a good thing that that thread was there because there was so much chaos
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and so much disruption, division, and overthrowing of governments and families.
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And it's amazing that that true promise of God made it all the way from Genesis to Bethlehem.
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But he had to do that through these people.
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They were the ones carrying the DNA. They were the ones carrying the hope and
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the promise, and they were the ones being so attacked by the enemy that they
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were, you know, I'm sure they thought things like, you know, would he ever come?
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I mean, after all this time, what's the point?
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Many times, I'm sure they thought, as Zachariah probably did, it's too late.
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Would he ever come? So it's like we are in the kind of the same place where
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we're tempted to live in defeat and despair.
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Well, it's been 2,000 years and nothing's happening.
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But how can we defeat defeat if we're already subdued by it ourselves?
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And that's where the people were. how could they rise up and bring forth the coming of the king?
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Yet, how God does things so differently. I mean, you have the most obscure people he picks on.
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He chooses to do his work and bring forth the promise.
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We have Zacharias, we have Elizabeth, very old. We have Mary, very young.
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We have these people that are totally obscure, and God uses them to bring forth the good news.
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But he had not forgotten his promise. He had not forgotten his covenant.
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He was ever present with those people every moment of the journey,
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all the way from Genesis, all the way to Bethlehem.
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He was there with them because Satan was also there with them trying to derail the whole thing.
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So God is still with us. He's pouring out his mercy.
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And the problem with us today, the same problem they had, is we kind of lose
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hope. We kind of get distracted.
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We kind of go off and and do meaningless things or other things so that we can
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just fill the time or, you know, get through and we forget there is a monumental destiny here.
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Yeah, Paul wrote to one of the churches. He said, you know, the time will come
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when people say, where is the promise of his coming?
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You know, since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were.
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So, you know, some people say, well, the mocking is...
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He said there were mockers that would come in the last days that would say, you know, why?
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We've heard this about the coming of the Lord, and he still hasn't come.
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But you think of this setting, you know, that Zacharias and Elizabeth and Mary were in.
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Well, I think that's why Zacharias was, after the angel appeared to him as he
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was doing his priestly duties, he was very old already.
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And the angel appeared to him and said, you know, your wife Elizabeth,
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who's past childbearing, not too late because she's going to have a baby,
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a boy, and you're going to name him John, which was totally out of tradition for them.
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But then he went mute. And I think part of the reason was because of the skepticism,
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because maybe it wasn't time for the whole message.
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Maybe he wasn't, God just wanted to be quiet for a little bit longer.
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So when Elizabeth was conceived that baby, That was the beginning.
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That was John the Baptist.
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He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. He was going to be the one to prepare the way.
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Well, Gabriel told Zacharias, he said in Luke 1, 20, but behold,
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you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place. Right.
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So he was quieted. Because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled
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in their own time. Isn't this amazing?
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The belief, the faith is so important. Yet God didn't count him out.
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He just said, okay, for now you're going to be quiet.
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But then the angel, the angel Gabriel, again, appeared to a young virgin,
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Mary, in her humble home, obscure, I don't know, you know, just a humble home.
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There's nothing glamorous, glorious.
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Why would God pick her? And the angel greeted her with such a greeting that
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she was kind of troubled and said that he told her she was going to conceive
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in her womb that this child would be called the son of God.
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And then he said, for with God, nothing is impossible. And I think this is the
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bottom line for our faith, that with God, nothing shall be impossible.
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I mean, many of us have lived in places where we have lost hope in the possibility
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of anything ever coming good into our lives or the lives of our loved ones,
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because we see so much tragedy,
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so much brokenness that we just, but with God,
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like with these people here, nothing is impossible.
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And so with Zacharias and Elizabeth, they had no child back in those days. It was a shame.
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People just would talk about you because, oh, what's wrong with them?
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They must have been judged. Judged. They were being judged. Scandal,
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scorn, shame. Yeah, because they didn't have children.
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So they figure, okay, I guess it's just not going to be. We'll just keep on
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doing our thing here in the temple.
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Being faithful. They were faithful. Being faithful. They loved the Lord.
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They kept going. and it just seemed like it was, yeah, totally impossible,
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past childbearing stage. But...
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But with God, nothing is impossible. Yeah, and the same thing with Mary,
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when the angel says, okay, you're going to have a child.
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You're going to have a child. You're going to become pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.
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You're not going to, this child is not going to have a human father.
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But the thing is, too, then the big exciting news for Mary, I don't know with
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so much that she was going to conceive this son, but that her cousin,
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Elizabeth, was already six months along, according to the angel.
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And so Mary hopped on her little donkey and ran over there.
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And I think it was probably, I don't know, it might have been quite a journey,
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actually, probably, because I know that Jerusalem is where Zechariah and Elizabeth
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hung out, probably right around in there, 10 miles from there, probably.
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And I think Mary was up in the North Country. But anyway, so when Mary walks
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in and greets Elizabeth.
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The baby, the six-month-old baby in utero, in Elizabeth's womb,
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leapt for joy as Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. This is power.
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This is the Spirit of God going before these two women.
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And the result was joy.
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And joy is strength. Joy is hope. Joy is confidence.
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Joy is faith in believing that the destinyâ I mean, do you guys ever have joy?
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Do we ever really have a pure moment of delight and joy?
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I think when babies are born, maybe, and people are loving and looking for them
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to be born, that might be a moment of joy.
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But there's very few moments where we really have that pure experience of just joy.
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Praise God, joy, release from anxiety, release from the pressure and bringing forth of the promise.
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That was joy. So this baby leapt in the womb, and that was the beginning of
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the promise of what God was about to do.
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And so God had said that the baby that is conceived through Zacharias and Elizabeth,
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right, through the power of God, And that baby was going to be filled with the
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Holy Spirit even in the womb.
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And this is, wow. Yeah, and then so Mary, she just began to be eloquent.
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She just began to speak, and I think people call this the Magnificent or something.
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Yeah, let me say something about this too, because Mary, you know,
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she starts singing this song from her heart.
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And basically, when you look at that song of Mary, or the Magnificat,
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it shows that she really knew the Word of God.
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Because there's many, many scriptures that are interwoven in that song.
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So she didn't say, well, let me get this scroll and write something down.
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She already had it in her heart. No, it was right in her heart,
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which shows, as a teenage girl, her heart and mind was full, saturated.
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With the Word of God. So she says in verse 46, and Mary said,
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this is chapter 1 of Luke,
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My soul magnifies the Lord, 1 Samuel 2, 1 through 10. My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
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He has regarded the lowliest state of his maidservant. And behold,
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henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed. That's Psalm 138.
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And he who has done mighty great things for me, and holy is his name.
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And his mercy is on those who fear him. This is the word from generation to generation is mercy.
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This is where we're at right now, Lord God. We need your mercy.
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We don't need your wrath right now.
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We need breakthroughs. We need mercy. We need protections from all the crazy
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things Satan wants to do. We need the mercy of God in our families.
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We need the mercy of God to restore generations and relationships between mothers
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and daughters, between sons and fathers, between husbands and wives.
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We need the mercy of God to break forth with forgiveness, with joy, with peace.
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And then she goes on to say, he has shown strength with his arm.
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He has scattered the proud in the imaginations of their heart. Isn't this the case?
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So many people think there's so much of everything and they're nothing.
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He puts down the mighty from their thrones, their little paper thrones, and exalts the lowly.
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He fills the hungry with good things. I bet you she was hungry many times.
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And the rich he sent away empty.
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And he has helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spoke
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to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever.
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And Mary remained with Elizabeth. So she helped her out till about the time
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Elizabeth was ready to deliver, and then Mary went home.
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So then we have what happens at Elizabeth's house, starting with verse 57 in Luke 1.
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So the time came for her to be fulfilled, to be delivered, and she brought forth her son.
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And Zachariah, they were going to name this boy after his dad,
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Zacharias, and she said no, and he wrote on a note, his name will be John.
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And then when he wrote that on the note, his mouth, his voice,
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his words came back to him.
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Yeah, verse 64, immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he spoke, praising God.
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Then fear came on all who dwelt around them.
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And all these sayings were discussed throughout the hill country of Judea.
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So they saw something really different. So this is something that- Miraculous.
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That people were talking about throughout the whole country.
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Yes, and then he opens his mouth and he has these wonderful things.
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He says, blessed is the Lord God of Israel for he has visited and redeemed his
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people, verse 69, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us.
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So he's really an old guy who's been around a long time waiting for this promise his whole life.
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And in the house of his servant, as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets,
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who have been since the world began, yes, Genesis chapter 3,
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that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of those who hated
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us, to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant.
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This is the key, to perform the mercy.
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Father God, you know, we give up on God sometimes. Oh, what does he know?
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Does he remember? Does he care?
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You know, he's not interested in our little things. He's busy doing big things,
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but he remembered the mercy that he He promised to the fathers and his covenant,
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which he's never forgotten.
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The oath, which he swore to Abraham to grant us that we being delivered from
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the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear.
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Now, they were not yet delivered from their enemies, but by faith,
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they were already declaring that they'd been delivered from their enemies because
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God had showed them mercy.
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So holiness, righteousness before him all his days. And you child shall be called
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the prophet of the high. So he's prophesying over his son.
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John. John, exactly. You should go before the face of the Lord and prepare a
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way for him to give knowledge of salvation to his people and by the remission of their sins.
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So salvation was the end game here.
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To bring redemption, salvation, to deliver the people from the grip of death
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and from Satan. And that could only be done through the blood of the Lamb of God.
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The remission of sins. And then verse 78 and 79.
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Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the day spring from on high
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has visited us. That's referring to the Messiah.
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Verse 79, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
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to guide our feet into the way of peace. Amen.
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Sitting in darkness. So here we go again. We're in round two of this.
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God is coming again, this time with Jesus Christ coming as the King of Kings,
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riding on a white horse with his banner and his robe dipped in blood.
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To be more, to conquer and to conquer. King of kings and Lord of lords.
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Yes, but this is, we're there. We're almost on the threshold of all of that.
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So let us not be defeated. Let's not grow weary. Let's not give up.
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Let's not give up on love.
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Let's not give up on mercy. Let's not give up on God. Let's not give up on God's goodness.
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Let's not give up on salvation or being redeemed.
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You can be redeemed. You don't have to live this life that you've been stuffed
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into, this crushed, broken place.
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You can get up. You can use your breath, use your breath to start,
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to start with that you want to start living.
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Open your mouth and begin to praise God, rejoice and thank him.
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Use your mouth, use your words.
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The joy and the thanksgiving are what pull us out of the pit.
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You know, you can mully grub all you want in the pit. Oh, this is never going to work. Oh, this is bad.
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Oh, we're going to go into, you know, whatever, depression, despair,
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you know, finally ruin, whatever.
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But we don't have to, you, it's powerful. What you speak is powerful.
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If you give words to death, destruction, war.
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Perversion, hopelessness, broken, you start speaking that, the devil will grab
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your powerful words, those powerful negative words, and turn them against you
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and bring to pass what you've said.
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So if you are in a place where you're tough and it's tough for you right now
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and you're giving up, pray to God, say, God, I need help.
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You are my help. I thank you for helping me and begin to thank him by faith
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and watch what he will do.
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He's not forgotten us. He's not forgotten the covenant with us.
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The promises he made to Abraham, he's made promises to us, and he's going to
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bring those promises to pass.
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Those who look for his appearing will see him.
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We're so, in America, we're so short-term, we're so instant. Yeah.
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You know, instant, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, we want this right away.
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But God has called us for the long haul.
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You know, this whole thing was a long haul all the way through history. History, yeah.
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The long haul, the promise of the Messiah. You just think of all the women and
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men that had lived and died without seeing the promise that Elizabeth and Zacharias
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saw, for example. Exactly.
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And, you know, so it goes on, this story of the obscure, the forgotten, the downtrodden.
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And so who does God present this powerful message to with a whole chorus or
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choir of angelic beings, but to those shepherds who are hanging out in the dark,
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in the cold, in the fields. They lived in the fields, it said.
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They didn't have houses. They didn't take turns. They were out there day and
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night watching the sheep so they wouldn't get ruined by wolves.
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And so they were faithful, but they didn't have much excitement,
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I would imagine. What could they do in their long days and nights waiting?
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I suppose they could play an instrument.
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They could, you know, gossip. Maybe they could do some fun things,
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but they were, they had nothing to look forward to. They were, this is their life.
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And the angels then said, glory.
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They appeared with all this bright, shiny, and suddenly there was with the angel,
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a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God, saying, glory to God in the highest
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and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men.
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And so who did God present this message to? to, again, the most broken,
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the most obscured, the most off the road kind of people, and that's who a lot of you are.
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And very likely these shepherds were shepherds that raised sheep for sacrifice in the temple.
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So they were not really any ragamuffin shepherds because- But they were still
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shepherds. They were still shepherds.
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They still had to do the same work, even though it was a holy work.
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Preparing for sacrifices, the sacrifices that went on and on year after year
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that had to be repeated constantly.
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And now the Lord is saying, there's one coming now who will be the complete and final sacrifice.
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The final lamb of God. And this is why it was so important that the shepherds
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were the first ones to know, because they were watching the lambs that were
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going to be sacrificed in the temple.
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And so they're the first ones to know the final lamb of God is appearing.
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And they exactly were told where it was, where they'd find this baby wrapped
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in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
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And they said, in Bethlehem, which is where they were, the Tower of the Flock,
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right outside of Jerusalem, that's where Bethlehem is.
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And so they decided to go and find the baby and they knew where to go because
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the angel told them where to go.
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He said that the shepherds, that you will find this babe wrapped in swaddling
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clothes, lying in a manger, a feeding trough. Now, it wasn't just a common,
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ordinary, everyday feeding trough like, you know, made the cows ate out of.
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It was a place where they kept the baby lambs.
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The shepherds would keep these baby lambs safe in the tower of the flock.
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And so they would be flawless. They'd wrap them in swaddling pieces of cloth
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so that they wouldn't be wounded or broken.
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And so they knew exactly where this manger was. And this happened to be,
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of all places, where Mary and Joseph gave birth to baby Jesus in this very manger.
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How appropriate, how God, how non-coincidental that the Lamb of God should be
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born at the place where the lambs themselves were kept and prepared for slaughter.
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So he came, and they knew that exactly where that place was.
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They didn't have to have an address on the house number. They just knew where
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it was. They didn't go and have to knock from door to door. No, no.
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And yeah. So, one of the things I see here is that, you know,
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God looks at faithful people that might seem like have lost hope. Or obscured.
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Obscure. Maybe living a real boring life, but then all of a sudden something
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breaks in so significant that,
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Like for Elizabeth and Zachariah, like for Mary.
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And I really want to encourage people that are listening here that have been,
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you've been faithful to the Lord, even though your life seems to be kind of
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boring and a lot of attacks. Non-eventful.
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Non-eventful. And it just seems like you kind of get beaten up a lot.
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But God has not forgotten about you. Don't give up. And He sees you,
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and He's got wonderful and great things for you in His time.
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In his time. And so don't lose heart. Keep your focus on him.
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And you'd be amazed at who God is raising up in these days. Last days.
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Out of obscurity, no-name people,
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people that nobody gives much of an account to, but yet these are the ones that
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God has chosen to raise up in these days that we're living in right now.
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So we thank God for his mercy right now, Father.
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We thank you for your mercy, for your joy that you've given us,
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for peace, peace on earth, goodwill towards men, that you are ready, willing, now wanting to.
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Do the reconcile, do the complete redemption, do the buyback from Satan through
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the blood of Jesus Christ.
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And we thank you, Father God, that for us, now let us meditate really on the
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important things of this time.
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And we know, Lord God, that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. We get that.
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We're not here to celebrate a day. It could be any day. It's every day.
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And it's every day is the right day to be thankful for the mercy of God,
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for your joy, for your reconciliation, for the salvation you brought us through Jesus Christ.
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And so we pray, Father God, that the Spirit of Christ Jesus,
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the Holy Spirit will come upon each one here and we will be transformed out
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of that darkness, that sitting in darkness and having no light,
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no hope, into that place of joy and expectation to look again to the sky for
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the return of Jesus Christ.
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And so, Father, let our hearts be filled with rejoicing and thanksgiving and
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let there be breakthroughs and reconciliations in our personal lives,
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in our families, in our health, Father.
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We pray for divine healing for people, whether it's in their physical bodies,
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in their minds, in their understandings, that the spirits of torment,
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we command the spirits of torment and despair and defeat to be defeated and be gone.
00:24:13.118 --> 00:24:15.678
We command you to get out of these people, get away from their minds,
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their hearts, their souls.
00:24:16.838 --> 00:24:20.238
We release them with the sword of the word of God into the fullness of a new
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life, the life that Jesus Christ died to give us, Father God, the abundant life.
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Father, we ask these things in Jesus' name. Yeah, and I thank you,
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Lord, that hope arises in each of our hearts, Lord God.
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Where there just seems like there's been even despair and death,
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Lord, may hope arise again.
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And may the joy of the Lord be our strength. Amen.
00:24:41.458 --> 00:24:45.078
Because there was rejoicing here, people that have hoped for years and years.
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And all of a sudden, here comes the word of the Lord, that now is the time.
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And for you that are listening, the time is coming now where God is saying now is the time.
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All that's happened in your life has been preparation for what he is doing now
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and what he is about to do in the future.
00:25:03.264 --> 00:25:06.204
So don't despair. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Keep your focus on him.
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Thank you, Jesus. Fill your mind and heart with the word of God.
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And the joy of God. And you'll beâ And be thankful.
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You're going to be amazed at what God is going to do in you and through youâ
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Amen. âin the days to come. Praise God.
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Yes, and we want to encourage you also to check out our website,
00:25:19.904 --> 00:25:24.704, for our newestâwell, it's not very new, but it's new.
00:25:24.904 --> 00:25:29.384
It's goodâGod on Trial. It's the audio drama that we're featuring this month,
00:25:29.524 --> 00:25:32.984
encouraging people to get a look at it, listen to it, go there, check it out.
00:25:33.264 --> 00:25:37.524
These are MP3s that you can download, or you can actually get hard copies if you really want.
00:25:37.984 --> 00:25:42.204
And share this tool. It's an experience.
00:25:42.524 --> 00:25:46.684
It's inspirational. It's evangelical. It's very educational.
00:25:46.924 --> 00:25:51.584
And it helps people to understand the nuances of God through a dialogue.
00:25:51.884 --> 00:25:58.104
And so through, yeah, through conversation, through God being taken to court
00:25:58.104 --> 00:26:01.704
by Satan and charging him with criminal neglect of the universe and abusive
00:26:01.704 --> 00:26:06.644
use of power. So we encourage you, again,, God on trial.
00:26:06.904 --> 00:26:09.044
Check it out. Have a wonderful day.
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I have an emergency. What is your location?
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Rescue Radio, cause there's a war for your soul.