One of the best parts of creating a Podpage is setting up your official domain name to show your new podcast website! Here's info on how to do that.
You need to buy a domain elsewhere
Podpage doesn't sell or host, domain names. That means you need to first buy your domain from another place (Google Domains, GoDaddy, etc...). Once you have a domain name, you dont transfer it to Podpage, but you do point it to Podpage.
Once you have purchase your domain, here's how to set it up
Domains can be tricky. It's one of those things that even technical people have trouble with, so please don't worry if you're having some problems. But, we're here to help and overall, using your own domain name with Podpage is easy!
Also, once you successfully change the settings, it still will take time for the new domain mapping to "propagate" across the internet. Just be patient. This can take 2-12 hours.
First, you need to access your DNS settings on your registrar (links below for help finding it) and then you need to add the Podpage DNS settings.
Find you DNS Settings
Find your DNS settings on your registrar (instructions on the list below).
Missing yours? Search Google for "add CNAME to my [registrar name] domain".
Add Podpage's DNS Records
Click below to get the DNS info you'll need to add to your domain's DNS:
Wait 2-48 hours
It takes time for the domain name to start showing your Podpage. There's nothing you can do except wait. This is just how the internet works when it comes to domain names.