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Nov. 21, 2023

”Be Of Good Cheer” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

”Be Of Good Cheer” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

We are here in a dark place and commanded to be anxious for nothing and in everything to give thanks. The only way any of that can be done is through the power of the Holy Spirit and faith in the words of Jesus.
Jesus said “be of good cheer” for I ha...

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RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

We are here in a dark place and commanded to be anxious for nothing and in everything to give thanks. The only way any of that can be done is through the power of the Holy Spirit and faith in the words of Jesus.

Jesus said “be of good cheer” for I have overcome this world. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions, …I go and prepare a place for you.” (Jn. 14:1-2) “I will also send the Helper, the Holy Spirit Who will lead you into all truth and keep you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” AMEN!

"Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 
